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(04/26/12 3:47pm)

Penn Relays Is Upon Us — And with it, athletes from all over the country (and 60 others!)  have descended upon our campus to take part in America’s oldest track and field competition.  If you’ve ever wanted to see Franklin Field filled to capacity, you have until Saturday.  You can get tickets here or watch the event live from the comfort of your own carrel here.

Rogaine No More

(03/22/12 6:30pm)

Some Penn researchers have been making hair-raising discoveries in the realm of baldness of late.  We’ve got word that thanks to some Penn scientists, baldness will be cured in the next five years.  They’ve identified a protein called PDG2 present in the scalps of balding men that prevents hair from growing.

Make It A Millcreek Night

(03/15/12 3:42pm)

Weirdly coinciding with both your sudden interest in music and the bewitching spring weather, bands penetrated with students take over Millcreek Tavern tonight.  Aged faves Fat Panther and Silk City are playing with the band Marigolds to help celebrate the release of their album, Easy-Going.  Fancy!  This trio coupled with the event photo that faintly hints at the promise of cats makes us more than curious to see Millcreek in the light of Thursday.  Join us?

Flock Around The Clock

(03/12/12 3:04pm)

Flocking, the popular act of placing groups of pink plastic flamingoes in front lawns, is about to get a lot easier thanks to some Penn kids.  This annoyingly catchy video highlights the conveniences of, a site that will orchestrate the whole operation for you.  It’s just perfect for your Great Uncle Joe or your Best Pal Tom!  Wait, is that a certain President of Mars we spot?

Students Stage NYPD Protest

(02/24/12 8:32pm)

Students protested on College Green this morning in response to the NYPD surveillance skirmish that arose earlier this week, when it was confirmed that the New York Police Department has been monitoring Muslim student groups at Penn and elsewhere.  The Muslim Student Association organized the demonstration, in which students held manila folders meant to represent their “NYPD file.”  Following a letter of support from our administration, the students were aiming to bring awareness of the situation to campus. Right on, MSA!

Jimmy John's Sprouts An E.Coli Problem

(02/16/12 10:14pm)

In today’s grossest tangentially-related-to-Penn news, 12 E. Coli cases have been linked to sprouts served at Jimmy John’s.  The Associated Press reports that the guilty chains are located only in Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, and Wisconsin, although this is not the first offense by the sandwich chain.  The sprouts also struck last year, and 140 salmonella cases were reported then.

The Monk Bunch

(02/12/12 5:16pm)

Ever considered living life like a monk? Us neither, but a class at Penn, taught by Justin McDaniel, aims to bring students closer to the monastic lifestyle.   This religious studies course, with no papers or exams (plus), ditches phones, coffee, and processed foods (minus) in an effort to understand the simple life of a monk.  The class, which has garnered a lot of buzz, divides by gender and dresses simply, and each class progressively gets more intense.  By mid-March, these kiddos won’t be engaging in any physical human contact or getting any stories from the outside world.  Sounds tough, right?  McDaniel says the students are generally really into it and the class is taken really seriously.

Philadelphia Ranks Top For Shopping

(02/08/12 7:42pm)

Lucky Magazine’s latest rank reveals Philadelphia as the 14th best shopping city in the country.  From analyzing super – scientific metrics like vacancy rates and Yelp reviews to meditating on the best place to find the perfect shoe, the Lucky editors deem the City of Brotherly Love the 14th most gratifying place to drop some cash on clothes.  Plus no sales tax!

Penn's In Bloom

(01/30/12 6:36pm)

Finding places to buy knockoff Penn apparel has been rather difficult lately.  Luckily, Bloomingdale's NY has a newly-spotted crop of Penn sweatshirts and apparel in stock.  If the bookstore, Forever 21, Brooks Brothers, or that pseudo Ivy-league line from Abakus Takeout doesn’t have what you’re looking for, make the schlep to New York and pick something up today.

The Newest Restaurant in (Hous)Town

(01/21/12 8:55pm)

In the continued effort to totally revamp its reputation, Houston has begun offering Saturday brunch and Sunday dinners.  Already in place for this weekend, the brunch menu runs Saturdays from 11am to 4pm and Sunday dinner caters to the pre-early bird crowd by starting at 4pm.  Stop stressing about booking Restaurant Week reservations and take a “Wok on the Wild Side” instead tomorrow!

Delicias Parks on 34th and Market

(01/17/12 6:14pm)

Philly Delicias, the newest food truck on Penn’s scene, offers diversity in the form of Venezuelan fare.  This is THE place to fill all your empanada/arepa/choripan cravings. If you really want a surprise in your lunchbox, go for Pabellon, or the national dish of Venzuela.  Tried Delicias or know how to translate the menu options for us?  Bring us up to speed in the comments.