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(01/15/13 11:00pm)

Listen to this -- You can't not have kind of a crush on Penn alum Elizabeth Banks. You ain't foolin' no one. So listen to this podcast where she tells us her life story and which Penn frats she thinks are douchey (hint: around 40:00)!

Blood Suckers, MBAs, And Sparkles

(01/13/13 4:18pm)

You don’t need a super glam Convocation A-Gutt or a slightly hungover campus tour guide to tell you that Penn is a school of firsts. We were the first university, had the first medical school, the first student union, and first business school. Sliced bread: our doing. Air? We invented it. Well, Penn could possibly top itself with another amazing feat: first semi-creepy but super famous pseudo-vampire to attain an MBA.

Whose Fest is it Anyway?

(11/14/12 6:33pm)

This Friday, Mask and Wig is putting on its 15th annual ComFest, an intercollegiate comedy festival. This year’s show will be hosted by celebrity guest Greg Proops, known for his appearances on Whose Line Is It Anyway? and Chelsea Lately. Sketch groups from universities like NYU and Tufts received special invitations to perform as well, and from their glowing descriptions on the ComFest website, we get the impression that Mask and Wig is basically the Regina George of the college comedy world. You really can’t help but love them.

Sandy On The Rocks: A Hurricane Drinking Game

(10/29/12 9:25pm)

The windows are latched and scotch-taped to perfection and you have enough Pop-Tarts to last for weeks. But now what? No school and the Hurricane Streaking Party at Penn Park isn’t for a few hours. UTB’s got you covered, kids: Your mom calls (again) to make sure you haven’t died yet. Drink. UPennAlert. Drink. Someone says Frankenstorm. Drink. Someone mentions hurricane drinking. Finish your drink. Super original, hilarious tweet about procrastinating studying for the next midterm because we have two days off. Take a drink. Two if there’s a hashtag involved. Ditto with a Day After Tomorrow reference. OMG soooo crazyyyy pic of empty shelves at CVS oh nooooo. Drink. Commons starts to sound pretty freakin’ amazing. Vom. Then drink. Stock up like it’s the apocalypse but then realize that Allegro’s has been open the whole time and there's still power. Drink. A Penn Security person bikes past your fourth-floor window, Wizard of Oz style. Two drinks. Sandy kicks Hill’s ass once and for all and hundreds of Hill refugees flood the West Philly streets. CHUG. Shots for every raindrop. YOLO?