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We're On Tumblr, Too!

(11/08/10 6:46pm)

Does reading all the words on UTB take up too much of your time? Perhaps you'd be interested in a more digestible, visually-minded take on our usual offerings! We've started a Tumblr, where you can go for a slightly watered down version of this wonderful blog - just think of it as UTB express. We'll be pulling from a few less conventional sources over there (ie, The Walk's blog), so be on the lookout for some exceptional content that might not make it on our formal site otherwise. Also, we're very equal opportunity, so if you have a Tumblr account and follow us, we will follow you back - no questions asked. Follow us here.

Wine At FroGro: Officially A Thing

(11/07/10 1:43am)

We've just received word that Fresh Grocer has installed the fabled wine vending machine that we told you about back in September. Our tipster-provided photo doesn't make clear as to whether or not the machine has been stocked yet, but the whole thing does bear a striking resemblance to the computer rendering we used in our earlier post - technology! Further investigation forthcoming.

Commentary Presented With Commentary

(11/05/10 6:49pm)

At UTB, we value interaction with our readers above all else. Getting feedback from the comments can be an emotional rollercoaster, so join us as we look back at the some of the week's most noteworthy commentary. Some day, we might even give out prizes to our favorites, so stop using fake email addresses ASAP (looking at you,

Earth Swallows Bus, Spruce Street Slowly Eroding

(11/04/10 5:15pm)

It's finally happening: all of this lovely, atmospheric rain is starting to sweep the earth right out from underneath us. A tipster sent us this photo of a SEPTA bus that got beached in a pothole that opened up out of nowhere on Spruce street. Spruce was closed between 38th and 40th for a bit this morning, and we're guessing this had something to do with it. No word on whether or not the situation has been rectified, but take this as a warning: step carefully or you might fall into a crevasse.

We'll Take "Things That Are Awesome" For 300

(11/03/10 4:31pm)

The Jeopardy College Championship starts airing at 7 pm on Monday, November 8th, and we've got one of our own in the running. Senior Siddharth Chandrasekhar will be representing Penn, and even though he told us that he can't disclose any details about how things went, we found it telling that he only referred to the upcoming "episode" (singular). Here's hoping that Siddharth takes it all the way and makes it past the first round. If he doesn't, let's hope he at least squeezes in a few SNL-Connery-style jabs at Alex Trebek while he's there.

Mobama's Stage: An Exclusive Sneak Peek!

(11/01/10 6:37pm)

Remember how Michelle Obama's going to speak at a rally on Perelman Quad tonight? Well, the FLOTUS' speechin' spot is almost ready for showtime, so you can start planning where to stand now. It looks like the prime spaces will be in the very middle of Houston Hall, and we don't think you'll be able to bust out the back door of College Hall, so we (along with everyone else in the world) recommend that you try to get there as early as you can.

Get Ye To A Polling Station

(11/01/10 1:44pm)

Hear ye, hear ye - tomorrow is election day, and if you don't know where you're supposed to be voting, it's time to find out. We've got a list of college houses and their corresponding polling stations for those who reside on campus (and, weirdly, ZBT and the Radian) so you can plan your day around making a quick detour to cast your ballot. Off-campus dwellers: visit this site and enter your address to find out where you're supposed to vote.

(10/31/10 9:27pm)

RSVP For Michelle Obama's Visit - The FLOTUS is coming to Perelman Quad tomorrow, and if you want to get a peek/hear what she's got to say, it would be in your best interest to RSVP here. Entry will be on the west side of Houston Hall, doors open at 5:30, and she's slated to speak at 7. If you plan on going, though, be warned: security's going to be very strict, so drop your things off at home before you try and get through the "airport-like" bag checks.

This Week In Crime

(10/27/10 4:04pm)

It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means: some top notch crime reportáge from our friends at the DP. Because you don't want to read about unattended-iPod theft any more than we do (come on people - at least ask someone to keep an eye on your shit!), we've sorted through the legal wreckage of the week to bring you the most enticing scraps. Join us, won't you?

Raise Your Hand If You Care About The Election! We've Got A Poll!

(10/26/10 12:58pm)

Midterm elections are a week from today, and it looks like both the house and the senate are in for some sweeping changes. Even our fair state of Pennsylvania is slated to make the switch from blue to red! Despite the efforts of Penn Leads the Vote, Penn Democrats, and College Republicans, though, it doesn't seem like anyone on either side is as riled up about voting for any party as they were around this time in 2008. PLTV registered around half the number of voters that it did for the 2006 midterm elections, and we've personally encountered more than our fair share of students who don't plan on voting at all - so what gives? We want to know what's influencing your voting habits, so take our poll and tell us whether or not you plan to vote next Tuesday - then, elaborate in the comments! It's your civic duty.

Who Wants Some Yearbook Glamour Shots?

(10/18/10 6:59pm)

Attention seniors: did you know that we have a yearbook? Neither did we! Since we apparently do (it's called The Record and is evidently the oldest college yearbook in the nation), you can schedule yourself a portrait session to make sure your face will appear next to those of 80% of your graduating class! Free photo sessions start tomorrow and go through Friday in Room 311 in Houston Hall.

(10/15/10 5:31pm)

A UTB FYI -- This is something we were previously unaware of -- the provost of this fine university is actually named Vincent Price, just like this guy, who was the inspiration for this. In conclusion, we hope that provost Price and his more famous impostor share the same laugh. Because that would be awesome.

Alum, Son Of "Proud Homophobe," Says It Gets Better

(10/14/10 3:25pm)

Isaac Katz (who graduated this past spring) has come out of the closet very publicly, with a message for disheartened gay youth everywhere. In light of all the recent attention devoted to columnist Dan Savage's It Gets Better campaign, his might just seem like another voice in the crowd, right? Not when you take into account that Katz's father is Jonathan Katz, the WashU physicist who was removed from the Deepwater Horizon crisis team after his 1999 essay "In Defense of Homophobia" was made public. A particularly jarring snippet from the elder Katz's paper (and the highlights of his son's response) are available after the jump.

(10/08/10 8:35pm)

Biba Finally, Finally Opens - That's right: the hotly anticipated Tria offshoot is finally open for business as of 4 pm today. CityPaper's Meal Ticket blog has some up close and personal photos, which you can check out here in case you needed more convincing for some reason.

Hold Up - David Beckham Is Practicing At Penn Right Now

(10/06/10 8:03pm)

Whoa whoa whoa -- the LA Galaxy is in town, and they've apparently decided to practice at Penn this afternoon. David Beckham and Landon Donovan were spotted kicking the ol' round pigskin and chatting up onlookers, including Penn's very own soccer players. Here's the real deal, though: according to a tipster, Beckham himself described our fields as "nice." We've finally made it. The Galaxy is up against the Philadelphia Union tomorrow at 5, so buy a ticket if you're looking for more face time. More photos after the jump (including one of Beckham with the girls soccer team). Ra cha cha, looks like someone got up close and personal! Spreading the love. Whattaguy.

(10/06/10 2:36pm)

And Now, For Next Year's Academic Theme - We're only a month into the Year of Water (yeah, remember that?), but next year's academic theme (the guiding force in determining the book choice for the Penn Reading Project) has already been decided. The DP reports that next year's freshmen will be reading something related to (get ready) "Games: Body and Mind." Fun! This should top whatever theme resulted in the PRP of two years ago being an effing painting.