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(09/12/16 2:20am)

Ralph Maamari from U Toronto: "Us four are trying, we pivoted before we even started, so we’re just building right now. You know the xylinc sports? We have that as a main unit, and from that you can send music to it, and it plays the music back that your friends want to listen to. Like in the car, if you have a playlist, instead of making the playlist before, you can just say, “Oh, we’re in the car. What music do you want to play?” And then you can just queue queue queue, and vote up or down."

(09/12/16 2:18am)

Moo Olaniyan from UMD College Park: "So me and my other teammates are trying to work on a system that can let students know whether a classroom, or a room in the library, or some other place, is a good place to study. If you’re looking for a room to study in, you want to see a heads-up of which rooms are available, which rooms are noisy, or which rooms would be good to study in. So what we wanted to do was combine hardware and software. We have a couple of sensors: temperature, vibration, microphone, and photo. Essentially, the information is processed, sending the information from the sensors to the database and pulling it off my own personal server and then running stuff from there. Then we process that information, and based off of certain things, for instance, if the light is on and sound is coming from the microphone, we can assume that people are in this room versus if the light is off, there’s no sound, and no vibration, then the room is probably empty."

(09/12/16 2:18am)

William Brown (right) and Rob Zajac (left): "So basically we’re making an application that takes in a bunch of data from twitter that you can use from the RPI, so we have hundreds of thousands of tweets stored and then we’ve tagged them with whether they’re from a Trump fan or Hillary fan. And so what the goal is, for a new user, we want to predict whether people will vote for one person or another. So we take their tweets and we compare them against a whole database that we’ve already gathered, and determine how likely they are to vote for one person or another, and then print out tweets that indicate that."