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Allies gather to remember death

(10/23/08 4:00am)

Octavia Payne listens as Sheyla Medina, former Allies co-chair, speaks at the vigil The Allies Candlelight Vigil in memory of the tenth anniversary of Matthew Shepard's death and the founding of Allies on Penn's campus took place on the evening of Wednesday, October 22, 2008. Bob Schoenberg (director of the LGBT Center), Dennie Zastrow (president of Lambda Alliance), Phil Schecter (co-chair of the Queer Student Alliance), Alec Webley (political chair of Lambda Alliance), and Sheyla Medina (former Allies co-chair) spoke at the vigil. Atlee Melillo, co-chair of Allies, read a biography of Matthew Shepard, and a moment of silence took place prior to the conclusion of the event.