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The Vision | Erasing narratives

(11/05/14 2:44am)

T he black male is considered the quintessential victim of racial violence and discrimination. This man is usually straight, and he is usually cis. The black community and its allies rally behind images of Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown — we rally behind images of black men being lynched, of black men experiencing extreme forms of violence, of black men being disproportionately incarcerated.

Editorial | Four years late is four years too many

(10/28/14 2:58am)

L ast week, The Daily Pen nsylvanian reported that this year marks the fourth year in a row that the University has failed to publish an annual report on student disciplinary matters at Penn. For the fourth year in a row, the student body has no way of knowing how Penn has investigated and dealt with disciplinary infractions committed at Penn in the last year. Effectively, for the fourth year in a row, the Penn community has no quantitative way of measuring the administration’s decisions regarding academic violations or potential threats to our safety .

Guest column by Heather Holmes | Racism 101

(10/23/14 9:55pm)

First of all, I am white. As Jeremiah Keenan amply pointed out in his recent article entitled “Becoming a racist,” so is he. This means that he and I will never, ever know what it’s like to experience life on a day-to-day basis as a non-white person. He writes that “racism just wasn’t a ‘thing’” for him as a child, and that’s because he wasn’t reminded day in and day out that his skin color was abnormal, undesirable, a justification for suspicion and hatred.

The Vision | Creating a space for black men

(10/08/14 2:46am)

I felt o ut of place from the first tim e I stepped onto Penn’s campus. Being a black male from the South who isn’t affluent and wasn’t given the opportunity to attend an elite private high school, I knew I was different from most of my peers in every aspect. Because of that, I felt alone. I was separated by more than just color — I was different by culture. My culture was foreign and underappreciated. Everything moved faster, from the pace at which people talked to the steps in which they walked.

Samantha Antrum | West Philadelphia students need investment

(09/24/14 2:01am)

T h is summer, I did something a bit unusual. While many students worked at internships and prepared for the upcoming school year, I prepared lesson plans. Hired as a co-instructor for a West Philadelphia school summer program, my responsibilities included creating curricula for college access, career readiness and social-emotional learning while managing a classroom of middle school girls. The role sounded deceptively simple. I soon learned that this would be one of the most difficult experiences of my undergraduate years.

The Vision | A weight we all must carry

(09/17/14 2:38am)

L ast Thu rsday, editors at The Daily Pennsylvanian contested the use of trigger warnings in the classroom with this declaration: “We have come to Penn because we want to be challenged — to have our perspectives tested and refined. That sometimes requires that we grapple with material that we find disagreeable or even disgusting. Anything less would fall short of a true education.”