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Sam Zou and Andrew Lou | Tenureship is indulging the Amy Waxes of the World

(01/26/23 4:16am)

Racist remarks towards her students and various demographics such as the Asian American community have caused great controversies for Amy Wax's career. For the sake of our own sanity and yours, we will not give further publicity to her exact words. Drawing further attention to her comments is akin to catering to the bully. But Wax’s willingness to embroil herself in controversies is a topic worth exploring. 

Sam Zou | Walled-off campus, integrated institution

(08/30/22 1:12am)

I consider myself lucky; I had the rare opportunity to visit more than 20 campuses from Los Angeles all the way to New York City before I applied to colleges my senior year. I’ve seen it all. A campus like NYU’s integrates with the city seamlessly and claims that “the city is your campus, for real.” Others still replicate the traditional image of the ivory tower like Princeton or Stanford, which appear sealed off from their surroundings completely. In fact, Stanford students nicknamed their campus “the bubble” due to its distinct and manicured character. 

Sam Zou | Dear transfer students: don’t compare, explore

(06/04/22 9:03pm)

I’ve had my fair share of moving. The fact is, I have never stayed in one school for more than three years. I went to four different elementary schools. I spent my first semester of high school in China, but then suddenly decided to finish the rest of my high school career in the United States. I traveled to the U.S. all by myself at 14, starting my first day of school just hours after a 16-hour flight to a foreign place I’d never visited. At 18, I moved to California to attend UCLA. But perhaps the most unexpected move was transferring to Penn at the age of 20. 

Sam Zou | Improving and expanding ‘Exchange at Penn’

(04/18/22 3:43pm)

International students make up a vibrant and diverse group in the Penn community. From those who attend the traditional four-year undergraduate degree program to exchange students who spend one or two semesters abroad at Penn, international students always find a way to thrive at an institution known for its academic rigor and prestige.