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Bridget Yu | Stop using mental health as an excuse to party

(03/21/21 6:39pm)

Any claim that partying and socializing is beneficial right now for your mental health is a blatant excuse. As a vocal mental health advocate, I often attest to how crucial it is to take care of ourselves during a pandemic with an indefinite timeline. But there are countless ways to cope other than partying and breaking COVID-19 guidelines.

Bridget Yu | When did alone time become so unappealing?

(12/07/20 10:45pm)

Anyone who knows me can vouch that I’m an extrovert. To my surprise, since the onset of the pandemic, I’ve enjoyed my time alone more than ever before. Still, I focus on nurturing my relationships with loved ones on a daily basis, whether via FaceTime calls or constant text messages. But nowadays I derive the most energy from time spent alone.

Bridget Yu | Stop normalizing burnout at Penn

(10/14/20 1:27am)

A common misconception is that a major symptom of student burnout is poor grades. Some students have found themselves with more time on their hands during the pandemic. But for others, myself included, time management is more of an issue than ever. I have great grades, but since quarantine — with my pre-med courses, multiple extracurriculars, and 3 part-time jobs — I have never felt more burned out in my life. I know I’m far from the only one. I find myself constantly seeking study strategies from peers, only to realize that they too are experiencing extreme stress during these trying times. 

Bridget Yu | Parents can gaslight you, too

(09/14/20 5:02am)

If you have a healthy relationship with both of your parents, consider yourself lucky. Many people don’t — myself included. As a supposedly independent college student, dealing with a toxic or abusive parent brings me back to my childhood and high school days. The daily family squabbles, the screeching and shouting, the talking-back, the curfews. It all reminds me of why I despised parts of my childhood. 

Bridget Yu | This fall, hold your peers accountable

(09/01/20 1:25pm)

I felt proud when Penn announced its decision to reverse fall plans, effectively suspending on-campus housing and operations. Proud of my institution for accepting that COVID-19 is beyond our control for the time being, despite our best efforts. This decision signifies that — contrary to popular belief — Penn does indeed actively prioritize the wellbeing and safety of its students over profit from tuition and residential housing. Anticipating that this announcement would be upsetting for many, the administration nonetheless chose to move forward, recognizing that from a public health standpoint, this was the safest option for the greater community. 

Bridget Yu | When home is no longer a safe haven

(08/07/20 4:51pm)

Often, people assume that you can willingly escape an abusive or violent relationship, but it’s never that simple. While you might be able to drop a toxic friendship, cutting off a romantic partner is neither easy nor straightforward. Especially if you are living with your partner during quarantine, it’s frankly impossible to physically distance yourself. Many people live with emotionally, physically, or sexually abusive partners, particularly during these trying times. This unhealthy relationship dynamic can take a tremendous toll on the long-term emotional, mental, and physical health of victims. 

Bridget Yu | OCD is not a personality quirk

(08/03/20 6:57pm)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is incredibly misunderstood and too often used for comedic relief. You can easily find news articles joking on the matter, Twitter hashtags using #soOCD, and other social media outlets trivializing this mental disorder. But OCD is not a personality quirk to describe someone with particular preferences, nor is it the reason why your bedroom is so clean or your desk is so neat. 

Bridget Yu | Don’t take a gap year during the pandemic

(07/22/20 6:47pm)

For many students, taking a gap year during the pandemic isn’t by choice, but likely due to strained finances, health concerns, family situations, or travel issues. However, if you are merely concerned that the fall semester won’t bring the college experience you expected or hoped for, then your reason for a gap year is insufficient. Don’t take a gap year out of fear or discomfort with the chaotic state of the world. It’s our new normal and will continue to be in the foreseeable future. 

Bridget Yu | Stop mindlessly using the word “crazy”

(06/13/20 3:04am)

Recently, a mutual friend labeled me as “crazy” for openly voicing my opinions and frustrations. I told him I didn’t appreciate being made to feel "crazy," especially when he knew absolutely nothing about me, and that he shouldn’t joke about mental health again. I admit, growing up, I threw around the word “crazy” at anything and anyone that I didn’t care to understand or explain. Now, I’ve learned not to, due to its negative, stigmatizing connotations.

Bridget Yu | Let’s talk about rape culture

(04/23/20 2:02am)

In light of the fact that 25.9% of undergraduate women at Penn reported having experienced non-consensual sexual contact sometime in college, it is crucial that we address the many misconceptions surrounding sexual assault on college campuses. “Rape culture” defines a social culture in which rape is normalized and pervasive, particularly due to male sexual aggression, victim-blaming, and gender inequality.

Bridget Yu | The dialogue on mental health needs concrete solutions

(01/20/20 11:39pm)

My first year at Penn, I noticed many flaws in the mental health system here at Penn — all flaws that initially hindered me from getting proper and necessary treatment. Many other Penn students have had similar experiences, alleging various flaws in our mental healthcare system. We often address the stigma around mental health and share mental health resources in an effort to combat this. While this is helpful, it is by no means the complete solution. We should also discuss and explore concrete, specific ways we can improve Penn’s overall mental health system. Simply stating the flaws is not enough; we must target and pinpoint concrete solutions if we seek any form of progress.

Bridget Yu | Here’s a quick list of Penn's most helpful resources

(08/13/19 2:31pm)

If there’s one thing I wish I had known about before coming to Penn, it’s the resources and opportunities that Penn and Philly have to offer. While Google searches and Wikipedia pages do have their benefits, Penn students know their campus and surrounding area best. I would have wanted to hear it all from a fellow Penn student, so I will be that student for you.