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Editorial | As Ivies cave to coronavirus fear, Penn must announce its next steps

(03/10/20 10:07pm)

The coronavirus outbreak has hit Philadelphia. Peer institutions have moved to remote classes, but Penn has not announced whether courses will continue to meet in-person after spring break. Penn students, particularly those who hail from other countries or low-income backgrounds, deserve answers about how this will affect University life. 

Editorial | Students should not be penalized for sick days as coronavirus spreads

(03/05/20 2:52am)

Earlier this week, Penn suspended University travel to several countries affected by the coronavirus outbreak, including China, South Korea, Iran, and Italy. Since coronavirus was declared an international public health emergency by the World Health Organization in January, concerns have been picking up around Penn. 

Editorial | With Adichie, Penn finally moves towards more diverse commencement speakers

(02/13/20 4:20am)

Earlier this week, Penn students praised the University for selecting Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie as the speaker for Penn’s 2020 commencement, the first Black female speaker since 1978. While this does reflect an unfortunate lack of diversity presented by Penn’s choices of commencement speakers over the last four decades, it hopefully shows Penn leaning toward a more progressive and diverse future list of commencement speakers.