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Jonathan Iwry | The secular Jew

(04/17/14 1:19am)

In 1882, Friedrich Nietzsche declared that God was dead. He was speaking figuratively, of course, about the Western world’s loss of religious faith. Although distrustful of religion himself, Nietzsche’s dramatic declaration reflected genuine concern. If we’ve abandoned our faith in God, is modern life without a universal source of meaning?

Jonathan Iwry | A different kind of 'Heist'

(02/05/14 10:32pm)

Last August, I was asked to join the Penn Reading Project’s NSO panel discussion for the incoming Class of 2017. The topic was hip-hop and its relationship to poetry and society. After freestyling for the freshmen, I received an awkward yet insightful question about the place of white rappers in a predominantly black genre. The panel host politely selected a different one.