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Here’s what Interim Dean Jonathan Epstein is planning for Penn Medicine

(05/01/24 2:41am)

In December 2023, Jonathan Epstein was appointed interim executive vice president of the University of Pennsylvania Health System and dean of the Perelman School of Medicine. He assumed his role during a period of administrative transition — his appointment was announced the same day that Larry Jameson was appointed Penn's interim president, and three days after former Penn President Liz Magill resigned.

Hanadi Abdulkadir | How to finish off the spring semester strong

(05/01/24 3:22am)

With the last day of classes tomorrow, it’s that point in the semester where burnout plagues the average university student. However, this is a problem amplified by the way that the spring semester takes its toll on us. Thanks to Penn’s breaks being much shorter than other universities in the surrounding area, we lament our early return back to campus rather than returning from winter break feeling well rested and refreshed. 

Mariana Martinez | Quarter system: the key to a liberal arts education

(05/03/24 12:50am)

Advance registration has finished, and I can confirm that I am more stressed now than I was before. I came to Penn thinking that the College of Arts and Sciences’ liberal arts curriculum would be a fun way to explore other areas outside of my major. I did not expect it to feel more like a constraint rather than the interdisciplinary, flexible arena it’s supposed to be. 

Michelle Lyu | We shall not be moved

(05/03/24 12:01am)

The end of the spring semester is a distinct time on Penn’s campus — melding indifference, as students wait for the school year to finally pull into early summer’s lull, with a sense of haste and urgency to live more and live truly. It is remarkable that at this moment, more than 200 days into the war on Gaza, the college protests are reaching a new fever pitch — proving students have not forgotten about the war. Rather, they are urgently struggling at this moment of decision. The fate of Gazans is an existential question for them, which means it is a question for all of us, provoking the soul of our nation. This student movement is impacting national politics unlike any other since the 1960s, leading to attacks from the White House and Congress, and crackdowns from police, state troopers and university administrations. 

Daniel Hopkins and Gall Sigler | On-campus protests reflect stark generational divide on Israel-Palestine

(05/03/24 12:14am)

Triggered by the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7, the war in Gaza has led to divisions here in the United States — divisions that are playing out on our campus. In December, former President Liz Magill stepped down after just 15 months on the job in the wake of her congressional testimony about antisemitism on campus. Similar to dozens of other campuses and after a crackdown at Columbia University, students at Penn have begun an encampment to express solidarity with Palestinians.

Mia Vesely | Peaceful protest belongs on college campuses

(04/29/24 2:59am)

All over the country, student-led encampments for Gaza have popped up in recent days. The encampment at Penn was erected on April 25 following continued action at Columbia University, and since then, we have only seen the national movement continue to grow. This is a developing situation, and as of my writing this, there are over 50 encampments on campuses nationwide.

Beatriz Báez | The doctor will, in fact, not see you now

(04/30/24 4:12pm)

I often feel guilty taking time for myself, fearing that it will delay me in my academic work. This same mindset led my friend, who fell incredibly sick, to not seek medical attention until late at night after her last class. As the day progressed, her health grew worse and worse, but she failed to find any University facility that was open at around 9 p.m. Upon calling Penn Medicine services, her only option seemed to be the emergency department of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP).