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LETTER: Silent Minority

(10/28/92 10:00am)

To the Editor: Yes, it certainly does. Is that necessarily accurate? No, not in any way, shape or form. Believe it or not, there are some Republicans on campus. If you look hard enough, you will find some Bush '92 signs. There were more before they were vandalized or taken down, like the College Republican's sign on Locust Walk. Behind closed doors, many people here offer very conservative views, but most of them are afraid to voice them due to the liberal majority. By Hackney publicly supporting Bill Clinton, he only increases the hesitancy of the minority to speak their minds. Hackney needs to ensure this is a place where people can voice their opinions and not fear being lynched. Hackney seriously failed in his duty to the students of Penn when he openly advocated a Presidential candidate. SCOTT RIBBLE Engineering '96