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Zaid Alsubaiei | Beware of Penn Course Review

(04/26/24 11:43am)

With the spring semester coming to a close, there is much to look forward to: the flowers on campus are starting to bloom, seniors are graduating in May, and students just finished enjoying a much anticipated Spring Fling. However, for those of us who are not seniors, a concern still remains as we enter finals season and summer: course registration. 

Zaid Alsubaiei | The education system has failed students in writing

(03/28/24 1:54am)

The college experience teaches you many skills, from how to take notes to pulling off all nighters to surviving on a diet of takeout and microwave noodles. One set of skills, though, that our educational institutions often struggle to get right is academic writing, and Penn is no exception. So, why, even at a university like Penn, are students still struggling with this fundamental skill? 

Zaid Alsubaiei | Does Penn’s diversity represent its sense of community?

(02/28/24 7:48am)

We all know the typical “types” of high schoolers, the different clichés: Where are my nerds at? But, another attribute of student groups that has become increasingly relevant in the 21st century United States is the diverse ethnic makeup of its population. And, frankly, do we as a campus mirror all that comes with that national trend of diversity?