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Black Lives Matter protest at Dartmouth takes violent form

(11/19/15 7:43pm)

Following a string of protests on many Ivy League campuses over issues from insensitive Halloween costumes and institutional oppression to other issues concerning race relations, Black Lives Matter protesters at Dartmouth took to the university library to forcefully air their grievances. However, this demonstration seemed to take a more violent and confrontational flavor compared to other recent ones.

Halloween costumes inspire racial discourse on Yale campus

(11/14/15 1:52am)

Racial sensitivities coupled with active demonstrations on college campuses have garnered national attention the past couple of weeks. A recent controversy at Yale, concerning insensitive costumes and the university’s role in policing students’ choice of costumes inspired a heated debate the weekend leading up to Halloween.

Penn ranks 57th in top 100 militarized universities

(11/10/15 2:21am)

VICE recently released a list of the 100 most militarized universities in the U.S, where Penn came in at #57. The schools were ranked based on the number of graduating students going into the U.S. intelligence community, as well as "51 additional factors, from funding amounts to a designation as an Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence to participation in federal domestic security task forces." The sample size records the number of workers in military and law enforcements agencies, as well as a percentage of those afforded a Top Secret clearance by the federal government. 

To frack or not to frack: A Yale study's implications for ongoing fracking wars

(11/04/15 8:04pm)

On the heels of several presidential debates from Democrats and Republicans alike, a so-far relatively overlooked issue has been energy and natural gas. Like partisanship of political parties, fracking—a method of hydraulic fracturing deep below the surface for natural gas—has caused great political derision in shale hotbeds like Colorado over its efficacy and safety for those in close proximity.