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Letter to the Editor | SLAP endorses John Hanger for Pennsylvania Governor

(02/12/14 10:58pm)

Earlier this year, a large coalition of Pennsylvanians came together around common goals of racial and economic justice in support of Democratic candidate for governor John Hanger. ? The Student Labor Action Project has chosen to join them and endorse John Hanger for governor, because on issues ranging from education to job creation, he puts the hardest-hit communities in Pennsylvania first. Hanger’s “People’s Campaign” is backed by a coalition of Philadelphia-based groups called Progressive Philly Rising, including Point Breeze Organizing Committee, Taxi Workers Alliance of Pennsylvania, Decarcerate PA and others.

Guest Column by Penn SLAP | Facilities workers should not be scapegoats for the SAC moratorium

(12/02/13 10:22pm)

Early in November, an article entitled “Labor fees behind rise in club costs” blamed labor unions for the SAC moratorium preventing new student clubs from obtaining funding. This article is emblematic of the anti-union attitude on Penn’s campus, which is detrimental to advancing workers’ rights and putting an end to poverty wages both on campus and in Philadelphia.

Penn SLAP | Justice on the menu

(03/26/13 4:24am)

When you walk into Falk Dining Commons — one of the top-rated dining halls on campus — you’ll be greeted at the buffet by Kareem Wallace, arms outstretched in his signature greeting from behind the glass panel. At his side, Troy Harris looks up from the grill, cocks his head and asks, “Hey, how you feelin’ today?” Troy and Kareem have worked in food service at Penn for 13 and eight years, respectively ­— they know the students in this dining hall well. During off hours and on weekends, Troy, a father of six, supplements his full-time Bon Appétit salary by cleaning students’ houses and catering for fraternities. Kareem holds a second job at a restaurant in order to provide for his two children.

Natalie Hamilton Kelly and SLAP | Promoting workers' rights

(04/09/09 9:00am)

On March 30, 2009, Colin Kavanaugh wrote a column praising Sen. Arlen Specter for his recently declared opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act. We wish to respond to his piece and explain why we, and many others, view Specter's decision as a gross betrayal of the working people in this state who have so long supported him.