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106 Penn Faculty and AAUP-Penn | Letter in support of the RA unionization campaign

(04/02/23 10:06pm)

Penn's Resident Advisors and Graduate Resident Advisors are exercising their legal right to organize a union, a right that has been affirmed by the National Labor Relations Board.  Impressively, a supermajority has signed a petition expressing their desire to unionize.  As Penn faculty, we are committed to the well-being of our students and the university of which we are all a part.  We affirm that unions have a legitimate place in our university, and we affirm that these student workers have the right to organize in an environment free of intimidation.

AAUP-Penn | Penn must return human remains and repay the Africa family

(04/29/21 7:18am)

In the past week it has come to light that the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology has for over 35 years held, studied, and at times displayed the human remains of a child named Tree Africa, a member of West Philadelphia’s MOVE organization. The bones of 14-year-old Tree Africa, and possibly also 12-year-old Delisha Africa, were reportedly handed over by the medical examiner’s office to Penn anthropologists for forensic study in the 1980s after the May 13, 1985 killing of eleven West Philadelphia residents, when Philadelphia Police dropped an aerial bomb on the MOVE residence and let fires destroy over 60 homes in the Cobbs Creek neighborhood adjacent to our university.

AAUP–Penn | Best practices for course stopping times under the new schedule

(04/20/21 5:10pm)

In an April 14, 2021 Daily Pennsylvanian article, Penn administrators responded to a petition signed by more than 150 faculty members “against the university’s unilateral increase in teaching time.”  Penn’s Associate Vice Provost of Education and Academic Planning Gary Purpura told The DP that the new schedule format rolling out this fall will not make any explicit changes to class stopping times. The article states, “He said, however, that since the 10 minutes are no longer necessary for travel time, an instructor who wishes to teach for an additional 10 minutes will have the freedom to do so.” As is frequently the case, it has taken faculty pressure to get Penn administrators to explain their decisions, and the American Association of University Professors at Penn is glad to enable this. 

AAUP Penn | Penn faculty need a meaningful voice in university governance

(01/29/21 12:34am)

We are proud to announce the formation of the University of Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP–Penn). As scholars and teachers of all ranks, we have come together because we believe that the long-term health of our university requires meaningful faculty participation in all major policy decisions that define our work and shape our community.