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Noor Chafouk | Rejecting aid and reclaiming agency

(10/03/23 2:02am)

It was a move that may seem like a slip-up and caught a few off-guard, but Morocco's refusal of French aid was far more than mere diplomatic posturing. It was an audacious statement, one that not only challenges historical colonial narratives but also sets a precedent for nations eager to break free from their past and confront crises on their own terms. The quake, while a natural catastrophe, unraveled layers of Morocco's complex socio-political landscape intertwined with its former colonizer, France. Aid poured in, and gratitude was expressed. Yet, beneath the surface lay the age-old tension of post-colonial relationships, one must ask: was this offer of assistance purely benevolent, or was it tied to historical influence and debts? 

Noor Chafouk | Fallacies of Free Speech: Exploring the dynamics and scope of protections in academic discourse

(09/22/23 1:45am)

The recent controversy surrounding Amy Wax intertwined with the community uproar over Palestine Writes’ choice of speakers provokes a complex re-evaluation of free speech within educational institutions. These are not merely a litmus test for ideological allegiances, but moments for serious reflection on the role of academic freedom in an increasingly interconnected and pluralistic world.