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Michael Palamountain | Love for life's sake

(04/19/17 3:00am)

I have a confession. Throughout college my most frequent response to the question, “How did you two meet?” has been, “on Tinder” — or some lie which concealed this fact. This is not something I am proud of, but it is a reality upon which I have spent the last three years reflecting. In hindsight, I see the ways I rationalized using Tinder when faced with stigma surrounding online dating. Most of this rationalization was a way for me to avoid admitting my own loneliness and need for authentic relationships.

Michael Palamountain | Why we need to reclaim the word 'radical'

(03/21/17 2:37am)

Today the word “radical,” sometimes spelled with a capital R, may inspire fear in the hearts of many. From the speakers of our television sets to the news media to our elected officials — or out of the mouths of our own families and friends — “Radical” is commonly used in the United States as a political catch-all term to describe terrorists and/or enemies of the state, when really the definition is more benign. “Radical” actually describes individuals or ideas which seek change in a certain culture or way of life.

Michael Palamountain | An appreciation of labor and a critique of leisure

(02/07/17 2:12am)

Despite the title, this article will not serve as some sort of rallying cry to raise the minimum wage, nor will it attempt to explain the complicated nature of universal basic income. Discussions like these, even with the best intentions, manage to reduce workers and people to numbers on spreadsheets and ledgers.

Michael Palamountain | A risky situation

(01/24/17 2:41am)

Year after year, stories reach the news about sexual assault on college campuses across the US. Yet, my response remains different than the narratives I see presented by the media. I’m shocked, but not surprised. I say this, not because I subscribe to a “boys-will-be-boys” ideology, but because I cannot help but consider the ways social forces play a role in creating this epidemic of sexual assault.