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Mark Attiah | Bring the ‘House’ down

(10/20/11 4:56am)

For the vast majority of us, the only contact we have with a doctor on a regular basis is during an annual checkup. Cultural stereotypes notwithstanding, how we perceive doctors comes from a very limited number of sources. I would venture to say that certain TV shows are far and away more informative to the general public about medical terminology, diagnoses and professionals themselves than any PSA or actual doctor. Unfortunately, a good deal of that information is false.

Mark Attiah | The fruits of forbidden knowledge

(09/22/11 3:57am)

During World War II, German scientists conducted a series of horrific experiments on prisoners in concentration camps designed to find out how well the human body can tolerate extreme cold. Naked prisoners were immersed in ice water. Many died agonizing deaths, but not before the scientists found that individuals died much faster when their necks were submerged in the frigid water. As a result, the scientists developed a flotation device, worn like a vest, that keeps the wearer’s neck above water. Sound familiar? It should — if you’ve ever been kayaking, canoeing, jetskiing or the like, there is a good chance that you owe your life to Nazi science.

Truth Be Told | Cut your hair, lengthen your lifespan

(03/03/11 11:38am)

When I was little, my parents offered me a dollar if I could survive my first visit to the barbershop without crying. As a stranger scraped my scalp, I grimaced and wondered what possible benefit there would ever be to coming back. But if I had gone to a certain barbershop here in West Philadelphia, the Cut Hypertension program would have made sure that living a longer, healthier life would be that benefit.

Truth Be Told | Prejudice doesn’t discriminate

(12/02/10 11:39am)

When I wear sweats, I command a little more respect. Police think I’m a little more interesting, women reach in their purse (I assume to give me a lollipop if I asked) and they cross the street before the crosswalk just to make sure I can have a little more room on the sidewalk. People’s thoughtfulness knows no bounds when you look like the nice man on the wanted poster.

Truth Be Told | Michelle Obama rally missed the mark

(11/04/10 8:45am)

If I were to list the most common words said at the Michelle Obama rally Monday night, “Penn” would be right up there with “vote” and “thank.” This seems harmless in itself. But after seeing the election results, as much as the First Lady’s presence at Penn may have helped the Democratic ticket, it may have stung just a little too.

Truth Be Told | When research becomes political

(10/21/10 5:56am)

If someone asks you how much a life is worth, take two pennies out of your pocket, hand them over, and be on your way. That is to say, if you ever needed more proof that lives are decided for better or worse by popular opinion — by our collective two cents — then look no further than the current state of federally funded embryonic stem cell research in this country and the small-picture, uninformed rhetoric that frames the debate.

Truth Be Told | More than just statistics and symptoms

(10/07/10 6:27am)

There is a certain arrogance that comes along with being healthy. This isn’t the conceit of one-upmanship that usually comes to mind, but the quiet, reassuring companion that allows you to read that “one in X” statistic about a disease unfazed. The arrogance gently convinces you that things like that only happen to other people … you know, people who aren’t healthy like you and me. But for those who have daily dealings with the sick, dissociating yourself from statistics can be dangerous.