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Lark Yan | My tastebuds might never be bored again

(06/27/21 2:47am)

I learned something unexpected during the pandemic: I gained a deeper appreciation for cooking and eating. That in and of itself is not unusual – social media and the internet are oversaturated by self-proclaimed “foodies” posting cheese boards and brunch spreads. But in my case, I came to appreciate the social aspect of cooking and eating. 

Lark Yan | The recently passed Anti-Asian Hate Crime Act is like smoke and mirrors — it’s not enough

(06/05/21 6:04pm)

On May 20, President Biden signed into effect the “COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act” after its near-unanimous passing in both the House and Senate. The new anti-Asian hate crime law is intended to expedite Justice Department reviews of hate crimes related to COVID-19 — many of which are perpetrated against  Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) — and provide federal grants for local law enforcement agencies to better investigate, identify, and report bias-driven incidents.

Lark Yan | The Lunar New Year as the 'Chinese' New Year: A display of cultural ignorance that harms

(02/11/21 2:18pm)

This Friday, Feb. 12, marks the start of the Lunar New Year and celebrates the arrival of the first new moon of the lunisolar calendars, which many countries and territories in Asia traditionally used. It’s a holiday of special importance for many different regions in Asia — Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, and Tibet are just a few of the many different regions that celebrate the Lunar New Year.

Lark Yan | Incoming first years, a gap year is in your best interest

(07/21/20 4:00pm)

On June 25, Penn announced plans for a hybrid model for the fall 2020 semester. Remote classes, social distancing guidelines, private bedroom housing, and limited dining hall access are a few of the significant changes outlined in the plan that will inevitably alter the way traditional student life takes place at Penn, making a gap semester or year all the more appealing. 

Lark Yan | Penn made the right decision, now can it follow through?

(06/26/20 8:18pm)

In March, when Penn announced its decision to pursue remote learning for the remainder of the spring semester, students and faculty alike were left pondering the future of Penn in the fall. While we were teased with a list of tentative plans in May, we were left without much information from the administration. 

Lark Yan | In the midst of pandemic, America has much to learn

(04/07/20 2:37am)

On Wednesday, March 25, the province of Hubei, China eased its nearly two-month-long lockdown as it began allowing most of its 60 million residents to begin leaving their homes. It’s a strong signal and significant step towards victory in the nation's long battle with COVID-19. The easing of restrictions follows reports from March 18, that China had reported no new local infections for the first time since the coronavirus crisis erupted three months ago. What was criticized as a “draconian” and “heavy-handed” government response led to an incredible turnaround in the fight against coronavirus. The World Health Organization praised Beijing’s response. The dramatic statistics on recently reported cases in China offer backing for the praise. It appears that as China puts an end to at least the first wave of coronavirus infections, the West has only just begun the battle. The tables certainly have turned. 

Lark Yan | 'Parasite' winning is a step forward for diversity, but there's still work to do

(02/13/20 5:51am)

On Sunday night, 92 years of Oscar history were shattered when the South Korean film "Parasite" became the first film not in the English language to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. The win for "Parasite," alongside its three other awards including Best Director for filmmaker Bong Joon-ho, marks only the 10th time a foreign-language film was nominated for the Best Picture award in Oscar history, and the first time one actually won. 

Lark Yan | Don't let racism spread with coronavirus

(01/30/20 2:58am)

The coronavirus. We’ve all heard about it. The latest strain that was first detected in Wuhan, China on Dec. 12 has spread far and fast. But spreading even faster than the coronavirus is widespread misinformation about the disease. Small facts are sensationalized into eye-catching stories and uncertain details into unquestionable facts, adding to the growing wall of fear. It’s this uninformed panic that encourages baseless anti-Chinese sentiment and discrimination. The coronavirus is a serious health crisis, but we can’t use it to drive us towards hatred and fear. We need to remain well-informed throughout the situation and recognize how to separate a health epidemic from the country and culture where it originated. 

Lark Yan | Penn needs to explain the defunding of Wharton Public Policy Initiative

(01/15/20 4:25am)

Last month, Penn announced the defunding of the Wharton Public Policy Initiative and its affiliated groups, such as the Public Policy Research Scholars certificate program and the Public Policy Initiative student group. Students in the Research Scholars Program were abruptly informed of this decision on Nov. 18, and noted the lack of transparency that was provided in announcing the reasoning for the decision. Current funds for the initiative will be available until they run out and already, administrators who worked with the student group have been let go. 

Lark Yan | The 6B must continue to fight for more space for the cultural houses

(12/05/19 12:53am)

Last month, Penn allowed three of Penn's cultural houses to expand their spaces beyond the basement of the ARCH building to the upper floors of the building. Penn’s gesture may seem like a positive step forward in the cultural centers' fight for increased space. But when compared to the University's treatment of other groups, such as fraternities or academic programs, it’s clear that Penn’s offer is inadequate.

Lark Yan | Penn must fire Amy Wax

(10/21/19 2:41am)

Tenured Penn Law professor Amy Wax makes her bigotry and disdain for non-white and non-Western immigrants clear. At the National Conservatism Conference back in July of this summer, Wax openly advocated for the favoring of Western immigrants over non-Western groups. She has unapologetically claimed that Anglo-Protestant norms are superior and that cultures should be distinctly separated into “layers,” and advocated for the return to the 1950s American bourgeois culture. This should not and cannot be tolerated. To prevent Wax from furthering her ideals through Penn Law, it’s time to see her fired from the faculty. 

Lark Yan | Locust Walk protesters aren’t representative of all Christians

(10/03/19 4:42pm)

Obey Jesus or Hellfire. Judgment or Hell. Warning: Muslims, gangsters, the Pope, homos, sissies. These are a few of the posters held up by members of an organization associated with the website The demonstrators appear to be warning others about their fate if they fail to obey the Bible and God’s commands. Their posters cite well-known passages of scripture. They claim to be adhering to Christian teachings. But are they really? If you compare their teachings to those of Christ from the Bible, then the clear answer is no: The values of the Christian faith are far from the protestors’ messages of hate and disgust towards their fellow human beings.