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ABC’s Of U Of P

(04/21/14 12:50am)

For all the freshmeat out there, here is a quick and comprehensive guide to Penn’s lingo. All the cool kids use it (or at least some of it) and so will you, so consider this your homework for NSO. Study up and impress your friends with your new Penn-friendly vocabulary.

Guest column by Kelly Diamond and Madison Hunt | Internet-shaming at Penn

(02/17/14 10:46pm)

We are two members of the Class of 2013. As proud Penn alumnae, we have been distant witnesses to recent events at our beloved university that have made us uneasy. We realize we cannot speak to the atmosphere of campus at this time, as we are 3,000 miles away living our post-graduate lives in Los Angeles, California. However, as alumnae, we feel the need to speak. We are writing as individuals and not as a part of any organization that we were formerly affiliated with at Penn.