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Jessey Shin | Making room for intersectionality at Penn

(05/03/24 1:59pm)

I’ve lived within a 3-minute walk from the LGBT Center for the entire academic year. Because of its proximity, I had hoped that it would serve as a source of community and interconnectedness for me at Penn. However, my time at the LGBT Center fell short of these expectations; my experience as a disabled, international, and queer student simply did not have much of a place at these events.

Jessey Shin | Navigating the maze of Penn's resources

(11/13/23 5:19am)

During my first month at Penn, it was quickly apparent that I couldn’t do college the same way everyone else does. I had little energy to go to classes and mandatory events, let alone attend parties and live out the typical “college experience.” I was struggling with my classes in peculiar ways. Namely, I had a harder time walking to and from class than keeping up with the content itself.