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Poets Storm The Green

(04/28/09 4:00pm)

Want to release your inner Bard before finals eat up your life? Celebrate the end of National Poetry Month by hitting up College Green this afternoon between 2 and 4 for an open-mic poetry jam. Fuel your massive crush on Exelano and cheer on local schoolchildren from the Heartspeak poetry-writing program, who will be reading their original works. It'll be a sunny day on the Green, so where else would you rather be? (Hint: NOT HERE.)

Boob Cupcakes, Anyone?

(04/06/09 2:30pm)

After another weekend of partying, are you worried that you caught something -- perhaps something sexually-transmitted? Today from 11:30 to 4 p.m., Penn Red Cross is putting on a bake sale with some naughty treats in order to promote STD awareness. Bodek Lounge in Houston will host a blood drive as part of National Public Health Week, but more importantly, you'll be able to decorate your own "boob cupcakes," "rice krispy balls" and other provocative goodies. Proceeds will benefit the nonprofit ActionAIDS. While you're there, learn about prevention and treatment and and play some interactive games ("Fit the Condom on the Baseball Bat" that like Pin The Tail On the Donkey?) led by FLASH, the student sex-ed group. Thank you, FLASH, for momentarily making us feel like giggling middle schoolers again.

Ramen-Eaters Anonymous

(03/16/09 2:35pm)

Noodles are one of college students' favorite feel-good foods, so it's high time they gained some national recognition.  From January to March, noodle consumption increases 20 percent;  fittingly, March is the National Pasta Association's National Noodle Month. For the rest of this month, we recommend celebrating by sticking to good old late-night spaghetti or trying a sweet new noodle dish. Some suggestions: Vietnamese beef pho noodle-soup, clam linguine, spicy Sichuan Dan-dan noodles, pad thai... the list goes on. Leave a comment with your favorite or most creative noodle recipe. Here's to mom's chicken noodle soup!