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Iman Syed | Seasons of grief: A year's reflection on healing

(10/18/21 4:45am)

It’s my 21st birthday today. Watching my friends slowly celebrate this American milestone — a newfound expression of freedom falling on their faces — a pang of jealousy fills my stomach. I’ve been dreading my own 21st birthday. It’s a painful reminder of what happened exactly one year ago on that crisp autumn afternoon, that fateful Philadelphia October day on my 20th birthday. The call from my father informing me of a family accident would forever change the meaning of the day, forever change my family life, and forever create a wound that will never fully heal. It is a day linked to trauma, grief, and suffering. We were never the same. I entered my seasons of healing.

Iman Syed | My uncle is a martyr: what we can learn from grief and trauma in light of tragedy

(04/13/21 5:11pm)

There was an uneasy eeriness in my Philadelphia bedroom on Oct. 18, 2020; it was my first birthday in a global pandemic, a time where celebration was set against the gloomy backdrop of universal, severe loss. With the long, painful year that was 2020 coming to a close, I thought that turning 20 years old would be a marker for better things to come: hope, healing, and peace. My birthday was instead marked by intense tragedy, bereavement, and grief. It started with a simple birthday wish FaceTime call from my Baba, my father.