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Asian-American literary magazine launches spring issue

(04/28/04 9:00am)

Penn's only Asian-American literary magazine, Propaganda Silk, launched its spring issue Friday evening at the Kelly Writers House with an art exhibition. Calling for readers to be authentic and to escape from classic stereotypes, the spring issue of Propaganda Silk contains poetry, pictures and short stories by Penn students, not all of whom are Asian.

Frat hosts song, dance benefit for 3 charities

(04/02/04 10:00am)

More than 13 student performing arts groups sang, danced and read poetry for a crowd of over 120 in last night's Sparksfest Coffeehouse, sponsored by the Psi Upsilon fraternity -- better known as the Castle. The event raised $2,900 to be divided between the American Red Cross, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity International and the Sparks Community Service Dance Company.

Skimmer boasts bands, free shirts

(03/26/04 10:00am)

Over 600 sophomores turned out for this year's Skimmer festival held at the Institute of Contemporary Art Terrace at 36th and Sansom streets last night. Sponsored by the Sophomore Class Board and open to all sophomores, the event was free and featured musical performances by sophomore bands Digical and GBandFree. Attendees were also drawn by free Scoop DeVille ice cream and brownies, vitamin water and especially Skimmer 2004 T-shirts.