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Free Cookies For All

(10/24/16 7:56pm)

It seems like the only Penn alum that people are talking about these days is Donald Trump, and he barely went here. The media should really be focusing more on people like Seth Berkowitz, the dude who started Insomnia Cookies from his dorm room while he was just a junior at Penn. This man spends his life baking cookies and making bank and he didn’t even have to OCR to get the job. Take notes, Columbia Band.

I Whip My Bananas Back And Forth

(09/22/16 10:05pm)

Brangelina split got you down? Forget that true love doesn’t exist, grab a friend, and head over to Hip City Veg, because HCV is offering a BOGO banana whip deal today only! For those of you who don’t know the lingo, or just prefer chicken over “chik’n”, BOGO= buy one get one free and banana whip= ambiguous amount of bananas whipped together in a hidden location in the back of the restaurant. See you there!

Celebrate Metro's Birthday With Mediocre Deal

(04/26/16 4:38pm)

You might have woken up this morning thinking that today was just a regular ole Tuesday. Do you live under a rock? Today is no ordinary day, Quakers. It’s Metropolitan Bakery’s 12th birthday, and they're celebrating by offering 12% off all purchases! Unfortunately, this means you'll be even less likely to make the minimum to pay with a card, so you'll hold up the line while you scrounge around in your Longchamp for a couple stray singles. What a deal! In the meantime, we’ll be counting down the days until it's Metro’s 100th birthday, when everything will inevitably be 100% off.  

Join Take Back The Night!

(04/07/16 7:29pm)

Are you a rational human being? Then Take Back the Night is the event for you! Come out tonight and join Abuse and Sexual Assault Prevention (ASAP) and other supporting groups as they raise awareness about sexual, relationship, and domestic violence. The event will start with a keynote speaker at 6 pm in Bodek Lounge, continue with a march around campus, and end with a survivor speak out in Wynn Commons. Check out the Facebook event and help join the movement!

Save The Bagels, Save The World

(03/24/16 8:03pm)

 There’s a lot happening in today’s world. The race for the US presidential election has become highly contested, global warming continues to destroy our ecosystem, and some people say that Penn dining doesn’t have good bagels. That’s right, some students at the Jewniversity of Pennsylvania have decided that Penn dining is not only kinda really disgusting, but also inept at offering students quality bagels. No need to fear! One student has decided to start a petition to rally up all the carb-lovers everyone and enact change in our fine dining institutions. The appeal already has 100 signatures and, more importantly, a host of comments in support of the petition such as “current bagels are offensive”, “bagels are important”, and “I don’t even go to Penn”. Check it out for yourself and get behind this important cause!

ShutterButton: Tragedy Of The Commons, Part 1000

(03/16/16 7:53pm)

What’s this disgusting, bacteria-infested gunk I’m looking at, you ask? A sample from the Biopond? A culture of the Zika virus? Think again! This is a real picture of water from our very own Commons dining hall. Chem 054 lab students tasked with analyzing water samples left a cup of water from the Commons drink station in a locker for a week and found this liquid refreshment awaiting them after Spring Break. Commons, you’ve taken away our Pizza Pi, you’ve yelled at us for saying our omelet order too slowly, and now you’ve most definitely poisoned us a couple of times. At least you have new technology vending machines to ensure that our phones don’t die before we can snap pics of more food atrocities.

ShutterButton: Van Pelt Under Attack

(02/23/16 10:29pm)

Van Pelt security guards took a break from checking bags this morning to apprehend a man who carried a knife into the library. Luckily, Penn Police jumped right on the case and reported the area all clear within five minutes of the report. The suspect’s motives remain unknown, but potential reasons might include Mark’s Café, the basement bathrooms, and the library’s persistent pest problems. Despite all of VP’s faults, at least we can add top-notch security to the list of pros of living in the library.