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Esther Lim | Dear sports

(05/15/24 3:00pm)

I remember when I first watched your white net snap taut from a goal scored. Seeing the plus one on the scoreboard felt just like that rush I feel when the music is perfect and I row into top gear. I knew I’d return for the next few matches at home. Even when the evening trains would rumble across the bridge behind Rhodes Field, and their terrific chug would drown out announcements of player substitutions that I really needed to hear, I was delighted I was the one to be there — soles suctioned to metal bleachers, fingers chilled stiff, and eardrums blitzed by bursts of crowd noise — to witness and write about it all.

Riane Lumer | The social clock is ticking, according to who?

(05/14/24 4:19am)

Five years ago during a college tour trip, I vividly recall sitting in a hotel, gazing out the window at the skyline of Boston. I felt inspired; I was eager to write my supplemental essays about why I wanted to attend Boston College (BC), and why I wanted to become a teacher. BC’s Lynch School of Education and Human Development attracted me because of its education program.

LIVE UPDATES: Penn's Gaza Solidarity Encampment expands

(05/08/24 11:33pm)

Pro-Palestinian activists, including Penn and Philadelphia community members, erected a second encampment with multiple tents to the left of the current encampment on Penn's College Green — the first expansion of the demonstration since it began two weeks ago. The expansion came after Penn referred nine students for disciplinary action due to their involvement, and after a group of eight organizers met with administrators.