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Penn men's and women's basketball both pulled off clutch victories against Brown on Friday, winning 96-72 and 71-68 respectively.Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
Penn men's and women's fencing competed in the Ivy League Championships at the Coach Dave Micahnik Fencing Center this weekend, with the women placing third and the men's team taking home their second straight Ivy title. Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
Heavy snowfall hit Philadelphia early this morning, and a layer of white blanketed campus. Students enjoyed the morning off as the university cleared roads and walkways. 
Last Thursday evening, a stream of Penn students marched down Walnut Street chanting “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here.”
Despite the packed crowd and spirited atmosphere at the Palestra, Penn men’s basketball couldn't top its rival Princeton, falling to the Tigers 64-49.Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
Penn men's basketball will be playing Princeton at the Palestra during the school year for the first time in 5 years, so we scoured the DP archives for a look back at their past encounters over the years.Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
Philadelphia residents took to the streets February 4th to protest President Trump's executive order banning travel from seven primarily Muslim nations. Protestors rallied behind a banner displaying "#SanctuaryEverywhere," alluding to Philadelphias's status as a sanctuary city. Starting at 2 P.M from City Hall, the march proceeded down Chestnut St. until reaching Independence Hall. Here, speakers addressed and eventually rallied the crowd down Market St. where they reached City Hall at approximately 4 P.M.Julio Sosa | Associate Photo Editor 
Penn gymnastics competed at the Pink Meet this weekend, facing off against NC State, Bridgeport, and Cornell.Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
Today at noon, Penn students, faculty, and staff gathered around the LOVE statue near College Green in solidarity with those affected by Trump's immigration ban. They held white flowers and listened to various speakers who shared messages of support.
Penn men's tennis took on Georgetown and Temple in a doubleheader this weekend, triumphing over both 6-1. Senior captains Kyle Mautner and Josh Pompan set the standard for the rest of the team, posting straight-sets singles victories in each match. Penn wrestling defeated American University 21-14, with strong victories from May Bethea and Joe Oliva.Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
The Philadelphia Auto Show returned to the Pennsylvania Convention Center from January 28 to February 5. Over 250,000 guests are expected to visit the 700,000-square foot display floor. A variety of 2017 cars and 2018 preproduction models are currently on display, including the Acura NSX, the fully-electric Chevy Bolt EV, the Nissan GTR, and the BMW i8. The show also features one of the largest displays of exotic vehicles in the nation, including cars from the following manufacturers: Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, Bentley, Rolls Royce, McLaren, Aston Martin, and Karma. One of the main attractions of the show will be its interactive aspects, which include Camp Jeep, where professional drivers allow riders to experience a Jeep's on- and off-road capabilities, and a Ride and Drive Zone that offers test drives from BMW, Nissan, Kia, Mazda and Toyota. The Auto Show is open until 10PM most nights and admission costs $14.
Penn men’s tennis posted big wins over Georgetown and Temple this weekend, defeating each of them 6-1.Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
A few days ago, Trump issued a new immigration ban on seven Muslim countries. Today, hundreds gathered at Philadelphia International Airport to protest the ban and support immigrants. 
Penn Gymnastics fought alongside Penn Wrestling this weekend in the Palestra for their first ever dual meet, with Gymnastics beating out Yale 193.575-192.125 and Wrestling defeating Lock Haven 25-14.Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
The best and brightest in computer science, electrical engineering, and computer engineering flocked to Penn this weekend for PennApps XV. Wandering through the engineering buildings Towne, Skirkanich, Levine, and Moore, we documented some of the highlights from the biannual hackathon. Zach Sheldon | Sports Photo Editor
Today, half a million people gathered on the streets of Washington D.C. for the Women's March. Protesters included people of all ages and genders, and they carried with them a multitude of clever signs. In fact, so many people showed up for support that organizers found it impossible to follow the original march route. Joy Lee | News Photo Editor
As women's marches happened around the world today, Philadelphia was the host of its own march. Thousands of people — women, men, and children — marched from Logan's Circle to the step of the Philadelphia Art Museum. Marchers, who held a myriad of unique signs, chanted and cheered as they made their way down Benjamin Franklin Parkway on Saturday morning. The crowds remained peaceful and positive.Photos by Ananya Chandra and Morgan Rees
1968 Wharton graduate and President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence paraded around Washington D.C. in the afternoon following their inauguration. Spectators of the event included both pro-Trump supporters, who excitedly cheered on the new president when he passed, and anti-Trump protesters, who collectively booed him. Joy Lee | News Photo Editor