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Having served as UA Social Justice Committee Director, UA Secretary, and Chair of the United Minorities Council, I have the diversity of experiences necessary to make the UA more relevant. My priorities include: 1) Mental Wellness- a proactive approach to building a supportive community for all through engaging college houses, faculty, and support centers. 2) Financial Aid- partner with student groups so all can benefit from the no-loan policy through a SFS student advisory board. 3) Sexual Violence Awareness- collaborate with ASAP and 1 in 4 to implement NSO sessions on sexual violence 4) Student Group Expression- expand funding for the faith fund, political synergy fund, and T-Change 5) International integration- support AIS to better integrate international students. With a track record of proven results during these past three years, I will continue to work for groups and individuals to make Penn reconnected.

J(oyce) J(osh) for UA...make the right Joyce! For more info check out

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