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A Penn Law student was accosted by two would-be robbers on Sunday near the corner of 36th and Lancaster streets, Philadelphia Police Lt. John Walker said.

Eugenia Birman, 22, was walking on the street at about 11:25 a.m. when she was approached by two women. The women then grabbed Birman's backpack and a struggle ensued, but they were unable to wrest it from her.

The women then sprayed mace in Birman's face, probably as a response to Birman's resistance, Walker said.

Birman was treated at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and has been released.

The Division of Public Safety issued an alert about the robbery on Monday night. The alert was sent to student leaders.

That incident did not occur in the Penn Patrol Zone - which extends from 30th to 43rd streets and from Market Street to Baltimore Avenue - but Penn Police still assisted the student after the crime was reported, according to the alert.

In an unrelated incident on Thursday, a 52-year-old man unaffiliated with the University was stabbed after approaching a crime-in-progress at his vehicle in the parking garage located at 40th and Walnut streets.

When the victim returned to his vehicle, which was parked on the eighth level of the garage, he saw a man trying to take the car and yelled.

When the complainant approached the vehicle, the suspect stabbed him in the arm and then fled on foot.

He was treated at HUP and has been released.

Police said the suspect was either Hispanic or African American. He was 5 feet 7 inches and about 160 pounds.

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