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The 3900 block of Ludlow and Market streets was the site of a shooting that took place on Saturday night. No arrests have been made. [Mary Kinosian/The Daily Pennsylvanian]

Shots were fired at the western end of the 3900 block of Ludlow and Market streets around 10:15 p.m. Saturday night.

No arrests have been made in connection with the shooting, according to a police official with the Southwest Detective Division, which is handling the case.

"Somebody -- not the cops -- was shooting with a gun, and the cops were chasing them," a Philadelphia Police captain at the scene said.

Although University Police officers were present at the scene, a UPPD representative said the incident was being handled by Philadelphia Police.

Vice President of Public Safety Maureen Rush could not be reached for comment last night.

Area residents noted a "swarm" of police activity almost immediately after the shots were heard and the use of a searchlight-equipped helicopter.

Some residents attributed the blitzkrieg quality of the police response to the location's proximity to Penn's campus and students, many of whom live in the area.

"They got here in two seconds," said a resident of the 3900 block of Ludlow Street who spoke on condition of anonymity. "And you know why? Cause y'all are here. And thank God."

She added that she warned her sons to stay off the streets when the police arrived, worried that they might be considered suspects.

The western half of the 3900 block of Ludlow Street was closed to civilians for around half an hour as the police investigated the scene.

According to College sophomore Michael Lackman, who witnessed the police response from his room on the 11th floor of Harrison College House, the helicopter "circled for about 15 minutes, then stopped circling and stayed right above" the St. Agatha-St. James Catholic Church for around 20 minutes before leaving the scene.

Lackman then reported the incident to the local ABC news affiliate.

"I called WPPI, the local channel six, and they said they had a report of a shooting," Lackman said.

WPPI, contacted last night, confirmed that they were aware of the incident, but decided not to cover it.

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