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This weekend, opponents have their eyes on Penn co-captain Chad Perman, who finished eighth individually at the 53rd Annual Southern California Intercollegiate Championships over spring break.

The senior accentuates his low scores with consistency, averaging 72 throughout the fall season.

Perman leads the team this weekend into the men's golf team's first league match of the spring. Eighteen teams from District II will travel to Westover, Md., to compete in the Towson Invitational.

Since returning from the spring break trip to California, the squad has taken advantage of the warm local weather by practicing almost every day.

"Our starting five is playing very well," Penn coach Heath Davidson said about this weekend.

Coming off an encouraging spring break performance in California, co-captain Peyton Wallace looks promising for this weekend. Freshman Derek Rogers stands to make a name for himself, also, after strong play in California as well as locally.

After this weekend, the Quakers will have four weeks before the culmination of the season -- the Ivy League Championships. Invitational District II tournaments will be held at Navy and Princeton between now and Ivies.

"The tournament will be a good gauge of where we are and what we need to do to prepare for the Ivy Championships," Perman said.

This will be the first time that the Quakers will participate in the Towson Invitational.

The cold weather left its scar on local courses' putting greens, limiting Penn's practice time with the flat stick. Yet, the team has managed to play several rounds of golf locally and has utilized the driving range and short game facility at its home course, the Philadelphia Cricket Club.

Davidson characterized the weekend as an important "stepping stone" for the team and as "instrumental in determining our best lineup for the [Ivy] Championships."

At each tournament, teams play five golfers; the four lowest scores are then summed and counted for the team score.

This year's Ivy League victor will go on to the NCAA Regionals to compete for a spot in the National Championships.

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