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A driver was allegedly drunk and driving at 60 mph when he hit a concrete barrier on 37th Street, landing 20 yards from Locust Walk. [Michael Lupoli/The Daily Pennsylvanian]

A Buick Century station wagon traveling south on 37th Street collided with a concrete barrier on Locust Walk Friday evening at approximately 7:20 p.m.

According to University Police, the driver, 51-year-old John Cephas, was driving under the influence of alcohol. He was taken into custody shortly after the accident.

University Police would not release information about the condition of the driver because the incident is still under investigation, but those on the scene said he did not appear to be injured.

According to witnesses, the vehicle was traveling at high speed as it crossed Walnut Street and flew toward the Walk, passing Stiteler Hall only to come to a halt after hitting a low concrete barrier.

The impact generated enough force for the vehicle to mount and drag the concrete block, sparks flying, around 10 feet before coming to a rest under a tree. The vehicle appeared severely damaged.

Following the accident, the driver "was walking shakily," said College freshman Niva Kramek, who witnessed the accident. She noted that the man was not bleeding visibly and did not seem badly hurt. Kramek described the driver as a middle-aged man, around 5'9", dressed in dark clothing.

"I can't comment on the DUI," a University policewoman said on Saturday night. Sergeant John Washington confirmed yesterday that the case was still under investigation and that further information may be released today.

According to Kramek, a yellow-clad University City District cyclist was on the scene soon after the accident. Despite a broken emergency "blue light" phone, police were contacted and arrived within minutes. The driver made no attempt to flee according to eyewitnesses.

The car was removed by R&K; Automotive Services at approximately 8:55 p.m.

"You don't see this sort of thing every day," a Phi Delta Theta fraternity brother said, snapping pictures of the wreck not far from his front door. "I'm just glad it didn't get any farther."

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