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Christina Verigan picked up one victory in the Penn women's fencing team's 14-13 loss to Princeton yesterday. [Theodore Schweitz/DP File Photo]

Penn 4-1 in competition The Penn women's fencing team was in its finest form as it steamrolled the opposition and emerged undefeated this weekend at Weightman Hall.

The Quakers beat Rutgers, 20-7, Harvard, 19-8, Temple, 15-12 and Haverford, 22-5.

When the dust settled this weekend, the Quakers had amassed a nine-game winning streak.

In last night's match, however, the Quakers streak was snapped as they fell to Princeton, 14-13. Penn was up, 12-6, going into its epee bouts, but lost eight of nine and fell to 1-2 in the Ivy League and 12-3 overall.

Mindy Nyguen and Lauren Staudinger both went 3-0 in the sabre and foil, respectively. Nyguen improved to 30-8 on the season, while Staudinger moved up to 33-8.

But over the weekend, the Quakers were untouchable.

En route to four wins, the sabre squad was particularly dominant, punctuating its efforts with an 8-1 thrashing of the Crimson.

Senior sabreists Mindy Nguyen and Abby Lifter were the chief catalysts of the sabres formidability, going a combined 18-2 for the weekend.

Emerging freshman star foilist Emanuelle Humblet also spent the entire weekend humbling her opponents, amassing an 8-1 record.

"I'm very proud of my team," sophomore eppeist Karen Siegel said. "I think we've done exceptionally. We're on a roll. I want it to continue and I think we can."

For the first time, Penn and Temple agreed to make a commemorative trophy for the winner of their yearly bouts. Last year, Penn and Princeton made a similar deal.

But yesterday, Penn failed to achieve that trophy.

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