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An environmental leader To the Editor:

As a University alumnus and current part-time lecturer, I want to praise Penn for its visionary commitment to public health and the environment. By purchasing 20 million kilowatt-hours of wind energy annually, the University is now the largest purchaser of wind power in the nation, and the Clean Air Council has had the privilege of working with the Penn Environmental Group and the adminstration to make this purchase a reality.

Wind energy is an alternative source of electricity that has no waste or air emissions. It is currently the cleanest option available in Pennsylvania for electricity production. Fossil fuels, by comparison, create large amounts of emissions and wastes that are responsible for global warming, ozone depletion, smog, acid rain and mercury contamination.

Penn's 20 million kilowatt-hour annual wind energy purchase will prevent 29,640,000 pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the earth's atmosphere, which is equivalent to removing 2,593 cars from the roads annually.

The University's wind purchase has already helped the development of wind power in Pennsylvania. There are currently 34 megawatts of wind energy available in Pennsylvania, and by 2002 that number will increase to at least 50. Penn, along with four other large retail wind purchasers, has helped to stimulate the demand for wind energy in Pennsylvania.

Thanks again to the Penn Environmental Group, which played a major role in this decision and to Community Energy Incorporated and Exelon Power Team. I would like to commend the University for truly acting as a leader to the community and the nation with the largest wind energy purchase.

Joseph Minott

Executive Director Clean Air Council

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