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The Associated Press WASHINGTON -- The Democratic National Committee, hoping to energize its fundraising operation to counter Republican presidential front-runner George W. Bush, plans to shuffle its leadership to give Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell a top post. Romer confirmed his departure in a telephone interview. ''I'm going to move over to be the general chair of the convention committee,'' Romer said. "The reason for that is this convention is going to become the main focus of our ability to communicate the message in the months ahead." ''I came here to do message, to be a spokesman for the party. This is the most effective way to continue in that role,'' he said. A formal announcement of Romer's new position was planned for today, the first day of a three-day DNC meeting in Washington, officials said. Clinton was also expected to recommend Rendell's appointment to the full DNC, officials said. Several Democrats said Romer agreed to the change after it became clear that Clinton and Vice President Al Gore wanted him to focus on fund-raising. The shift reflects a mounting concern about Bush, the Texas governor who has raised more than $50 million -- perhaps twice as much as Gore. Gore is the leading Democratic candidate, though he faces a stiff challenge from former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley. Joe Andrew, national chairperson of the DNC, is in charge of day-to-day operations of the party. He will not be immediately affected by the change, officials said. Though Rendell has limited national political experience, Gore has called him a ''fantastic mayor.'' Advisers say the vice president was impressed with Rendell's successful effort to court the 2000 Republican National Convention to his city. Rendell also chaired a Gore fund-raiser in June that collected $450,000.

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