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The School of Arts and Sciences' 11th annual Dean's Forum will take place tonight at 8 p.m. in Harrison Auditorium. The forum "will honor and recognize outstanding undergraduate and graduate students for their academic performance and intellectual promise," according to a letter by School of Arts and Sciences Dean Rosemary Stevens. Nine students in the College, one student in the College of General Studies and 10 graduate students will be recognized as Dean's Scholars by Stevens, who will present them with books and certificates. These students were chosen by the Associate Dean of the College on basis of grade point average, rigor of courses taken and extracurricular activities. In addition, Donald Johanson -- who is a world-leading, and America's best known, paleoanthropologist -- will be speaking on "Ancestors: In Search of Human Origins" at the forum. Johanson has spent the last 25 years exploring and discovering. He is responsible for discovering the oldest and most complete human ancestor, the fossilized remains the world knows as "Lucy." Stevens said she is looking forward to this evening's event. "It's a wonderful opportunity to appreciate outstanding students and in doing so we realize the goals and excellence of Penn as a whole," she said. The College students honored are sophomores Tali Aronsky and Nicolae Garleanu, juniors Marsha Cheung, Stephen Lin and Jeong Yeon Whang, and seniors Derek Apanovitch, Aaron Cook, Abigail Doran and Mali Heled. The College of General Studies winner is junior Jessica Robbins. And the Graduate Students who were chosen are Hilary Beth Appel, Maria Hohn, Jon McGinnis, Roumyana Pancheva-Izvorski, Jane Marie Pinzino, David Roxburgh, Paul Sievert, Juuso Valimaki, John Zilcosky and Eric Zorrilla.

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