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The Philadelphia Museum of Art opened its doors last night to host an open party complete with drinks, music and, of course, hundreds of art-starved college students from across the Delaware Valley. This latest installment of PMA's Wednesday Evening Programs, dubbed College Night, brought students from the University, Temple, Drexel and other schools into the Philadelphia landmark -- free of charge -- for an evening of entertainment and culture. PMA's Great Stair Hall echoed with the sounds of Mask and Wig, the Penn Glee Club and the Temple Jazz Ensemble as students and alumni meandered through the museum's extensive exhibit halls. The museum stayed open later than usual and also offered specialized tours of exhibits to students free of charge. But the number of students who did show up was much lower than in previous years when such programs were held, according to one museum guard. Engineering junior Kathleen Feehery agreed. "I was surprised at the low turn-out, but the students there seemed very enthused with everything," she said. She also said she enjoyed the performances by Mask and Wig and the Penn Glee Club. One of the tours, led by Assistant Curator of 20th Century Art John Ravenal, focused on Impressionism and 20th Century art. Another program offered to students was a special presentation of Quentin Tarantino's Oscar-winning film Pulp Fiction. In addition, food, sodas and alcoholic beverages were on sale throughout the evening in the Great Stair Hall. The Museum's restaurant was also open extra hours. Students also came from other area colleges including Rowan College and Mercer County Community College. Many of the students were art history majors at their respective schools, but said they were generally there to have a good time.

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