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SCUE, which has a membership of approximately 30 students, chooses new members once per semester. Once selected, members serve for the remainder of their undergraduate careers. Over 25 candidates submitted applications to SCUE, in what steering committee chairperson David Kaufman, a Wharton junior, called the largest pool in at least five years. Candidates wrote three essays, and were also interviewed by steering committee members. "We were looking for people who expressed a willingness and desire to innovate," said steering committee member Hallie Levin, a College sophomore. "At this particular occasion we were looking for people who are adept at communication." The new members and new steering committee members, who were selected last month by SCUE, will be installed tomorrow night, Kaufman said. The new students selected to the body are College freshman Seth Krasilovsky, College sophomore Jackie Einstein, Wharton sophomore Steven Bell, College sophomore Paul Andre-Abboud, Wharton sophomore Lisa Chen, College freshman Joram Borenstein, College freshman Lisa Brichta, College junior Edward Park, and Wharton sophomore Steven Jamison. -- Drew Zoller

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