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Student Life

04/13/15 1:38am
The donation will be used to establish the Price Lab for Digital Humanities, which aims to be this “hub” for humanities research that uses computer technology to aid students and faculty.
04/13/15 1:37am
The conference occurred as Obama met Cuban President Raúl Castro.
04/13/15 1:36am
Don’t worry if dining hall food tastes stale to you — a series of changes are already coming to Penn Dining’s dining plans for fall 2015 semester.
04/13/15 1:35am
Sunday was the annual installment of TEDxPenn, which brought together 19 different entrepreneurs, scientists, musicians, artists and professors to give engaging talks and performances about everything from modern day “divination” to testing drugs on microchip simulations of human tissue.
04/13/15 1:35am
The Undergraduate Assembly recently formed a Commission on Alcohol Safety and Communication to increase transparency at this year’s Fling festivities and prevent the types of rumors that abounded last year. But despite clarifying some information about alcohol policy, concerns remain over this year's Fling alcohol-related initiatives.
04/13/15 1:03am
The Gamma Chapter of Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. celebrated its recent return to campus in addition to its twenty-fifth anniversary at Penn.
04/13/15 12:32am
Each year, thousands of students apply to be paid to conduct independent research or teach English abroad. 
04/12/15 12:00pm
Students notice a difference in alcohol consumption at parties.
04/11/15 3:00pm
Before there was Kesha, David Guetta, Fling tanks and fried Oreos in the quad, there was Skimmer — though its festivities often took a turn for the disruptive.
04/11/15 2:00pm
The store will create a separate section for customers to purchase alcohol.
04/11/15 10:00am
This year’s Fling controversy isn't the only one in Penn's Fling history.
04/10/15 4:15pm
A Penn student dressed as a member of the Ku Klux Klan held hands with another student dressed as a police officer in a staged demonstration on Friday.
04/09/15 1:30am
Some lounge furniture remains missing in action.
04/09/15 1:28am
On Wednesday, five Engineering seniors won the final round of Pennvention with their project BionUX, a design for a prosthetic arm with touch sensation.
04/08/15 1:49am
Although a string of Greek life scandals have proliferated in the national media, Penn continues to give fraternities and sororities a positive spin to prospective students.
04/08/15 1:45am
The incoming class will be expected to complete four online pre-orientation programs as part of a new project called Thrive at Penn, or TAP.
04/08/15 1:43am
According to data from Career Services last year, 69.1% of international graduates who responded to career surveys reported that they were employed full-time.
04/08/15 1:41am
The Campaign is a Penn initiative that aims to create conversation and dialogue between different groups on campus, and to foster a more closely knit community at Penn. It is an attempt to “to provide a forum for constructive conversations about the most difficult issues facing our students, campus community and larger society,” according to Provost Vincent Price.
04/07/15 10:37am

The Grad Student experience

While undergraduates are busy biting hats on Hey Day, jumping in bouncy castles during Fling, or banding together to scream the night before the first economics midterm, graduate students live in a different world.
04/07/15 3:12am
From turning off the lights to coordinating zero-waste Penn Athletics events, Penn’s team of student Eco-Reps works to promote environmental consciousness throughout the entire Penn community.