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11/08/11 12:53am

Election day arrives in Philadelphia

Today, Penn students registered to vote in Philadelphia will have a chance to have a say in the future of the city. For some, the decisions they make on election day will out last their time at Penn. INTERACTIVE: Who’s running in Philadelphia?
11/06/11 10:30pm

Former Nixon advisor tells students to consider public sector jobs

Richard Nathan, the assistant director of the United States Office of Management and Budget during President Nixon’s time in office, joined students to speak about the key to succeeding in politics and other careers.
11/01/11 12:24am

Cantor, after canceling at Penn, speaks at other universities

Although protesters were enough for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) to cancel his speech at Huntsman, he went on to give income-equality speeches at other universities amidst protesting crowds.
10/30/11 11:10pm
Today, I’ve decided to come out of the closet. I’m not coming out as a gay man, no. I’m referring to the other kind of closet — the conservative closet.
10/20/11 8:53pm

Gaddafi era ends as dictator killed

After a long and tireless effort since the start of his overthrow in August, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya is dead.
10/03/11 9:49pm

New state legislation may bar students from voting

A bill that would require voter photo identification in the 2012 election is being debated by the Pennsylvania State Legislature.
09/28/11 12:27am

Pennsylvania Republicans propose controversial changes to presidential voting system

If the proposal is adopted, Pennsylvania electoral votes will be given to candidates based on congressional districts rather than the state’s current “winner-take-all” approach.
09/26/11 11:51pm

Emma Ellman-Golan | A less democratic distribution

The Republicans’ sinister motivations for electoral redistribution are blatantly obvious, but there are also a number of reasons why this proposed system would be devastating for Pennsylvania.
09/18/11 10:53pm
On Monday night during the Tampa GOP debate, Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota Congresswoman, attacked Texas Governor Rick Perry for his use of an executive mandate for all 11- and 12-year-old girls in the state to receive the Human papillomavirus vaccine, Gardasil.
09/15/11 11:40pm

Federal spending cuts to research feared by Penn administrators

Of the many aspects of government spending up for debate in the current 2012 fiscal year budget negotiations, the continued funding for grant-giving organizations such as the National Institute of Health and the National Science Foundation could be cut — a concerning prospect for Penn administrators.
09/13/11 11:20pm

Obama plans $447B stimulus to create jobs

The future is uncertain for President Barack Obama’s newly proposed American Jobs Act, a half-trillion-dollar piece of legislation that aims to jumpstart the economy and lower the 9.1 percent unemployment rate.
09/09/11 12:07am
Nearly a year after 2010 Graduate School of Education graduate Daniel Chinburg started Penn’s Tea Party branch, the movement died as quickly as it came.
09/07/11 12:06am

Philadelphians draw their own district maps

City Council members have until Sept. 9 to come up with a district map of Philadelphia. This year, five Philadelphia groups collaborated to create, a website where citizens can log on and redraw the district map for themselves.
08/04/11 3:22am

Student establishes first youth-led statewide LGBT organization

2011 College graduate and incoming Penn Design student Jason Goodman has established the first youth-run statewide LGBT organization in the country.
07/28/11 4:34am

Debt deals spare Pell Grant program

The Pell Grant program, which is on the chopping block as lawmakers look to make spending cuts to resolve the ongoing debt ceiling crisis, may remain intact.
07/28/11 4:22am
With a mission to “make politics more simple,” two Penn graduate students are creating a startup that helps voters discover candidates who hold political views in line with their own.
07/21/11 4:55am
The Public Policy Polling firm has found that President Barack Obama's statewide approval rating is at 46 percent.
07/07/11 4:27am

Pennsylvania budget cuts hit public universities

Although Gov. Tom Corbett fulfilled his promise not to raise any taxes, he reduced funding for social services, including higher education.
07/07/11 4:19am

New York votes to legalize same-sex marriage

Gay marriage, which will be legal in six states and Washington, D.C., is illegal in Pa. and unlikely to become legal anytime soon.
07/07/11 4:17am
Obama held two Democratic National Committee fundraising events in Philadelphia, one at the Hyatt Hotel at the Bellevue and one at the home of 1981 Penn Law graduate and Comcast Corporation Executive Vice President David Cohen