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There’s always something new going on at Penn’s four undergraduate schools and 12 graduate schools. Look here for information on upcoming academic initiatives, new classes and research conducted by professors and students.

11/02/09 2:51am

Painting Penn | Penn mixes Ivy rigor with arts presence

Penn mixes an Ivy League education with a strong arts program, an attraction to many arts-minded students.
11/02/09 1:33am

Fellowship helps train new teachers

For the second year, College sophomores, juniors and seniors are being offered an opportunity to gain hands-on teaching experience in one of three West Philadelphia high schools.
10/29/09 11:19pm

UA, SCUE push to get more syllabi online

The Student Committee on Undergraduate Education, the Undergraduate Assembly and the Office of the Provost are working to encourage faculty to post course syllabi online.
10/29/09 10:25pm

'Scroogenomics' urges you to think twice before giving gifts

Considering buying those socks for your dad this Christmas? Before making the purchase, Wharton Professor Joel Waldfogel says you should think twice.
10/29/09 5:25am

Students run clinic offering rural care

The Webster County Cancer Education Project, a collaborative program between the Nursing School and various health and service providers, benefits a rural Appalachian community in West Virginia.
10/29/09 1:41am

Class seeks to define 'queer voice' in art

Students in Kenny Goldsmith’s class are working to define “queer voice” in art — which Goldsmith said nobody has been able to do easily.
10/28/09 3:19am

Professor makes clothes light up

The idea of stitching circuitry into clothing may seem like a concept gleaned from the pages of a science-fiction novel set centuries into the future.
10/28/09 2:33am
During a Career Services program Tuesday night, the international health expert described how his experience learning the Inuktitut dialect while doing research in the Arctic as a student of anthropology ultimately jump-started his career in global health.
10/28/09 2:25am
Last night, students interested in publishing, books and zombies witnessed the brains behind The New York Times bestseller, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies — Jason Rekulak.
10/27/09 4:33am

Med School's 'Pipeline' reaches out to Sayre High

Through the Education Pipeline, Faculty, residents and students in the Medical School, as well as Penn undergraduates, teach Sayre students topics relating to neuroscience, cardiology, infectious disease and endocrinology.
10/26/09 11:31pm

Enrollment for MBAs holds steady

While MBA enrollment at Wharton has increased in the recession, that rise has not been drastic. Other schools have seen increases.
10/26/09 1:41am

Engineering prof creates 'cloaking device'

Electrical and Systems Engineering and Bioengineering professor Nader Engheta has created a cloaking device that makes objects “less visible” to the human eye, he said.
10/26/09 12:24am

Hands-on projects are focus of Mechatronic Systems class

Students in professor Jonathan Fiene’s Design of Mechatronic Systems class do in a week what other engineers do in two months.
10/23/09 1:40am

Law students attend Supreme Court case

Last week, eight third-year Penn Law students attended a U.S. Supreme Court hearing on a case they had helped research in coursework for the school’s Supreme Court Clinic.
10/22/09 12:51am

Neuroscience prof sheds light on animal research

Despite the School of Veterinary Medicine’s prestigious status as a research institution, Penn Police is on the lookout at every event for animal rights activists protesting the unfair treatment of research subjects.
10/21/09 4:43am

Profs scoff at bill to drop political science funds

Sen. Tom Coburn (R- Ok.) proposed an amendment that would prohibit the NSF from “wasting federal research funding on political science projects.”
10/20/09 11:41pm

Wharton class involves real-world field projects

Some students don’t enter a classroom for class. Instead, they work with the United Nations or design buildings in Abu Dhabi.
10/16/09 3:54am
Every Monday, students operate the United Community Clinic out of the First African Presbyterian Church between 41st and Girard Streets.
10/15/09 1:32am

Statistician addresses racial profiling

In a politically charged discussion, Ridgeway, a senior statistician and the Director of the Safety and Justice research program at RAND, addressed this issue and others in a talk focused on racial profiling.
10/15/09 12:44am

Fels launches new dual-degree program

Beginning this semester, students interested in government administration and environmental studies will be able to integrate both disciplines by enrolling in a new dual degree program.