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Where To Munch On Munchies Tomorrow

(04/19/11 6:50pm)

Tomorrow marks one of the holiest days of the year: 4/20, the annual celebration of all things green and weed-y. Once you've gotten your smoke on, though, you might too dazed to make a decision about where to feed your sudden appetite. Never fear, UTB is here to guide you through your hungry, sunny state of bliss. We've got some suggestions below about where to nosh on some of the most effective munchie cures. The weather's supposed to be perfect tomorrow, too, so try to get your snacks to go.

(04/01/11 7:07pm)

Stop Sending Us Stupid Shit And Actually Enter Our Contest -- If you're going to enter our Fling contest (which you can still do until Monday!), your entry has to be relevant to Fling. That's the whole point. So don't send us some random video you made for a class six months ago about trade liberalization in Latin America. Let the real creative juices flow!