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Palestra Renovation Press Release

(08/22/11 4:51pm)

Cal was all over the new additions to the Palestra back on June 10 — check it out here (after the note on Paul Cusick) — but for those who'd like to read a bit more, we have the press release from ANC Sports. The company has taken up the challenge of giving the Palestra an updated look without compromising its traditional feel that has earned the venue's nickname: "The Cathedral of College Basketball."

People Who Went To Penn And Made Out With Larry David: Rebecca Creskoff

(08/01/11 6:04pm)

Our favorite part of any Curb episode is when Larry David makes out with someone, so this week was a special treat: the object of  his affection is a Penn alum! Rebecca Creskoff  has been in a whole bunch of random TV stuff including Law and Order, The West Wing, Mad Men, and Hannah Montana so it was about time she made this bold step forward. It's no surprise TV-Rebecca has rolled with badasses, presidents, misogynists, pop stars and Larry David; those seem to be the ideal lifestyles of any Penn student.

(07/25/11 3:39pm)

Attempted Mugging Of Penn Kid On 41st And Walnut-- While we're not releasing names or anything like that, we do have confirmation from DPS that there was an attempted mugging of a Penn kid last Thursday. Right (basically) on campus! At 9:30 on a weeknight! Luckily, Penn Police were quick on the scene and arrested the suspects. Look out for details in the Crime Log and please, be careful when you're walking around at night.

Poor Wall Street Interns

(07/22/11 3:39pm)

We're sure our finance friends have already seen this (y'all read Dealbook more than UTB? No way), but for the rest of you, we thought it only fair to share the plight of our suffering peers. It seems Wall Street Interns just cannot catch a break.  Forced to satisfy their basic needs in hiding, many are faced with significantly less perks than their predecessors three or four years ago thanks to shrinking budgets and a failing economy.

Click It Or Ticket

(07/19/11 1:56pm)

Philly is ridding its streets of... cellphones? Everyone is freaking out over a new program condescendingly-titled "Give Respect, Get Respect." Basically: you can get a citation for texting while walking. Or, as it stands at Penn, breathing. It's cool that the program also targets "bad behavior by motorists and bicyclists," but the texting thing can cost offenders fines up to $120!

Frosh Gender-Neutral Housing Now A Thing

(06/23/11 1:21pm)

The class of 2016 will now be able to request roommates of any gender, the DP reports, lobbing Penn into the top tier of progressive housing policies. But really, people, you're missing the bigger issue here. We're not so concerned about boys living with girls as we are with the class of 2016 living in dorms. Who said it was okay to let little babies out of their cribs!?

Penn Kid Parties Thanks To Copa-Esque Bouncers In Hamptons

(06/13/11 4:42pm)

Yesterday's New York Post featured a piece on the Hamptons bar Nello's, which, according to 19-year-old "Eric," is very easy on IDs. Eric, who is listed in the article as a Penn student, was "throwing back $27 shots of Patron tequila" and had come because Nello's is "the perfect place if you want to meet girls who are DTF." While this sounds like typical Penn douchebaggery, mystery surrounds this alleged Quaker.

Breaking: We're On Another HuffPo List

(06/07/11 7:18pm)

Is it just us, or is the Huffington Post slowly killing the whole list thing? Our latest ranking accomplishment is one of the ten colleges with the fewest cars, or a "duh" moment filled with urban institutions and the University of Wisconsin at Madison. This would've been ten times more interesting if they just said "look, Wisco doesn't allow cars on campus!" since that was kind of the only interesting point.

(05/29/11 1:16am)

Holy Shit, There Was (Another) Earthquake In Philly — NBC Philadelphia reports that a "mysterious boom" heard in northeast Philly was actually a 1.7 magnitude earthquake. A 1.9 magnitude quake hit nearby Mount Holly, NJ a few weeks ago.

Oh No, What Is This

(05/03/11 11:30pm)

Before, if your friends thought you'd hit it off with someone, they'd drag your ass to Smoke's and make you Meep them the old-fashioned way. But now there's a new website aimed at expediting sorta-blind dates: Blindesque. Spawned from the same brain that gave you PennEats, this is, well... kind of creepy. According to the description, you can make: a profile for your friend (feel free to not tell her/him), and you will then have access to a database of other profiles, created by friends. You will only be able to see select information about each person, but if you like what you see, click the 'connect' button next to their profile. Once they accept, you both have access to last names, a headshot picture, and, of course, a message option. Only people who have verified Penn email addresses can sign up. So go ahead and try it out. Your friend will never be contacted and doesn't even necessarily know about it... So what have you both got to lose? The site has a variety of boxes you can fill in for a friend like height, eye color and celebrity lookalike, but it won't be live until enough people sign up. Do us the favor and put some stuff on there so we can see what goes down next.