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1 Pizzeria That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

(11/25/13 8:11pm)

In an inspiring act of humanity, Allegro is giving away turkeys today for Thanksgiving! There's a huge line wrapping around the block and good cheer to be had all around. Just a reminder as we bravely go forth into the holiday season that sometimes people are really terrific. So remember to give thanks! But also, to the kids who stood across the street during the giveaway wondering if "lolol maybe it's free pizza": No. Please go home.

ShutterButton: Baby, It's Cold Out... Wait...

(11/20/13 8:01pm)

It's 45 degrees outside and you think it's cold? These frat stars beg to differ. Between the floral short-shorts, the firetruck red suspenders, the proto-SnapBacks and that frosty pitcher of beer (Over-under bet: Yuengling or Natty?), these dudes aren't afraid of a little chill. Party on, dudes. Bros of today: take note. Next snow day, you won't need a cooler if it's already below freezing.

ShutterButton: Hey KKK, Not OK

(10/23/13 4:08pm)

Hey, shout out to Class of 1886: Racism still isn't cool. Not sure who you contracted to design this elaborate etching for the yearbook, but this kind of blatant bigotry would never fly now. Did the three of you pose for that? How long? Where is this even? The Woods Of Despair? This is worse than even the most egregious modern Insta faux pas. Get with the times and filter that close-minded worldview. May we recommend Toaster?

Chance The Rapper Is Coming To Penn

(10/18/13 10:09pm)

OMFG, heads up — Chance the Rapper is headlining SPEC-TRUM's fall show. This 20-year-old Best New Music babe is pitch(fork)-perfect and his angst-rap rhymes will hit you deeper and better than anything Drake's dropped lately. He's your new favorite emotive but danceable rap artist and you're welcome for the tip. Get your tickets on the walk starting next Monday or snag them online — and get ready to groove your heart out at the Penn Museum on Friday, November 1st.

Flyer Of The Week: SPEC Jazz & Grooves presents Mount Kimbie

(10/18/13 2:35pm)

A bunch of bespectacled, tight-jeanned hip kids were handing these out on Locust today — and if you found yourself jazzin' and groovin' to their tunes, we suggest you take one and go to the show. Mount Kimbie will be playing next Friday, October 25th at the Rotunda, along with A Sol Mechanic and Dream Safari.

Things to Fall and Break During Fall Break

(10/13/13 6:21pm)

It's fall break! Or sprall break. Regardless, whether you're couched at your parents' or going HAM in New York or veggin' out on-campus, it's a crazy world out there and you should be careful. With that in mind, here's 10 things you can fall and break over fall break: 1. Fall on the high rise stairwell and break your iPhone because someone forgot to open a window when they were using their George Foreman grill and now Rodin's fire alarm is going off. Thanks, pal. 2. Fall on the 38th Street bridge and break your cool. You always tell yourself you will not trip. You will not trip. And then you do. 3. Fall behind on work and break your academic spirit. Really, dude? It's two days. 4. Fall in love with home and break your mother's heart when you ask her if she can do your laundry again because you just didn't have time thanks Mom and what time is dinner anyway? 5. Fall in love with home and break your own heart when your mother tells you you can wash your own clothes since it's about time you learned the difference between woolens and knits and dinner is whenever you reheat the leftovers, you ignoramus. 6. Fall for your younger sister's more-liberal-artsy cozy-cabin-in-the-woods type college in Vermont and break any allegiances to your own school. Who needs Wharton when your dorm faces a mountain?? 7. Fall going up the steps to your Megabus and break into a sweat because now you're holding up the line and PEOPLE have PLACES to BE! 8. Fall deep into a Netflix binge and break up with everyone — just, everyone. 9. Fall down the Blarney steps and break your cred because you’re already at the bar alone and now you’re just causing a scene. 10. Fall in love with chance and break up with your high school romance because life is a Dashboard Confessional song and you've only just begun to see it. Fa la laaaaaa fall break!