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Nancy Drew And The Case Of The FUBAR Harrison Restroom

(01/27/09 4:13pm)

As I hunkered down to start writing a response paper with a 6 AM deadline (ca. 12:53 AM), the four cups of black coffee I chugged with dinner caught up to me. Happy to have chosen the Harrison computer lab for its vicinity to both my house and a bathroom, I made my way down the hall, stopping briefly to glare at the excessively chatty clique seated near me (Friendship is for Rosengarten, kids.) Upon opening the restroom door, I was greeted by the following scene (see Exhibits A & B).

Because Driveshaft Only Has One Song

(01/24/09 9:31pm)

Lost kicked off its new season last Wednesday, leaving fans throughout campus disoriented, befuddled and disheartened.  If you have a roommate who would judge you for lying in bed all day watching Lost online, missed the recap, or feel like it's been gone for so long that your memories of it are black-out-esque, there's still hope for enjoying Season 5.