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Three males committed a robbery at gunpoint at 40th and Locust streets this morning.

Credit: Luke Chen , Luke Chen

Two Penn students were robbed at gunpoint by three men at 40th and Locust streets this morning.

Three men took each student’s phone as well as credit card, Penn ID and driver’s license. Although no arrests have yet been made, the Division of Public Safety has descriptions of the suspects.

Two of the males, who appeared to be in their 20s, were black and wearing dark hooded sweatshirts, according to the Division of Public Safety’s website. The third male, also black, seemed to be in his 30s and had a beard. At the time of the alert, they were last seen running west at 40th and Spruce streets.

“It seems like an opportunity crime,” Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush said. “We’re working with the Philadelphia Police to see if the description fits the description of any other robberies in the area surrounding the campus.”

DPS will also be working with the students’ phone company, Verizon, and reviewing footage of cameras in the area.

The call came in at around 4:14 a.m., at which point a UPennAlert was issued. The all-clear alert went out at 5:00 a.m.

“It’s probably the most important time when there’s low foot traffic to use a walking escort,” Rush added. She advised students to call Public Safety at 215-898-9255 to get a walking escort to get home safely.

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