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Opinion Columns

03/23/10 4:06am

Bieler's Day Off | Writing seminars are misunderstood

The Penn writing seminar can be a wonderfully effective tool, but only if its applications are made more clear.
03/22/10 4:22am

Slip of the Chung | Competition is a good thing

While it may sound odd to view the cutthroat med-school admissions process positively, competition can be a good thing.
03/22/10 4:15am

That's What Schwenk Said | Bells not ringing for Quakers

Chasing the perfect jobs and the best grad programs requires us to be flexible about location and even a little transient right now — hardly ideal for settling down behind the white picket fence.
03/18/10 4:22am

Penn vs Sword | More to Wharton than Wall Street

When incoming students equate Wharton with a well-paid job, they risk ignoring the other incredible opportunities that Wharton, Penn and their own undergraduate education can offer them.
03/17/10 3:53am

Say Anything | Boys and girls: more alike than you think

Boys think about girls just as obsessively as girls think about boys.
03/16/10 4:29am

In Case You Missed Me | Care about the city, not just Penn

We need to stop thinking of Philadelphia as something there for us to exploit when we feel like it.
03/15/10 4:24am

That's What Schwenk Said | Soda tax would be more than just fizz

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter’s plan to levy a tax on sugary beverages isn't perfect, but it's a start.
03/15/10 4:19am

Wright-ing On The Wall | Join the club of equality

Favorable pricing at clubs and bars for women — strictly on the basis of gender — is at the very least wrong, if not illegal.
03/04/10 4:43am

A Dennie For Your Thoughts | A lecture about seminars

Most of the lectures I’ve taken at Penn have left me wanting more, while my few seminars have actually challenged me intellectually.
03/03/10 5:59am

Ash Wednesday | Keeping design local

I was excited that a Philadelphia firm won a competition to design the new U.S. embassy in London. Because, despite the decrease in star power, there is real value in investing in local architects.
03/02/10 6:14am

In Case You Missed Me | Fine with not having a job yet

I’m tired of everyone acting like we should all have our dream jobs completely figured out by now. Because the majority of us don’t. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
03/02/10 5:41am

Roberts Rules | College admissions problems go viral

Having the option of submitting a one-minute YouTube video that “says something about you” could exacerbate the pressure of the college-applications process.
03/01/10 4:47am

Slip of the Chung | How to choose a lab: 101

The University should organize a seminar series that helps students decide which labs to join.
03/01/10 4:43am

That's What Schwenk Said | Actually looking forward to Huntsman

Huntsman as a speaker has tremendous potential, and anybody carrying around actual anger about it really needs to take a breath.
02/26/10 3:31am

Scientifically Blonde | Beyond Computer Engineer Barbie

I’m by no means knocking Barbie’s new career choice as a Computer Engineer, I just think it’s going to take more than a doll to bring about the gender balance we need.
02/26/10 3:27am

Rea-lity Check | Deflate grades' importance

Grades are overrated. Yeah, I said it. Grades are so arbitrary, it’s hard to take them seriously as an indicator of future success. Just work hard in your classes, and take the ones you want to work hard in.
02/25/10 4:56am

Penn vs Sword | A waste of money

UA members need to remove Ivy Council’s funding from its 2010-2011 budget immediately. It’s time for student government to stop wasting our money.
02/25/10 4:51am

A Dennie For Your Thoughts | Real chairs at the table for students

Until the University Council actually provides a forum where students can discuss issues with other University constituencies and expect results to come from those discussions, the body is useless.
02/24/10 5:15am

Political Penndit | Rights beyond the schoolhouse gate

The schoolhouse gate is being interpreted to stretch well beyond the doors of the school building itself — an expansion of school authority that needs to stop.
02/24/10 5:12am

Say Anything | Your love is a drug?

Regardless of your opinion of the legitimacy of sex addiction, you can still use the Tiger Woods scandal as a catalyst for a conversation about infidelity and sexual behavior.