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Student Embarrassingly Forgets To Ask For Moncler For Christmas

Emailing is hard – just ask our grandma. You never know when you are actually emailing your mom, or when you end up sending your condensed Christmas list (who condenses an Xmas list?) to your Professor. 

While we can imagine this Professor was surprised to find a Christmas list in lieu of the assignment, he was probably more shocked to learn that this student did not even ask for a fur parka! Like hello, how can you be both warm and fashionable walking down Locust without a coat suitable for Arctic exploration?? Robert Peary probably wore a Canada Goose...

We, however, have doubts about the authenticity of this list. Not once did this Penn student ask for a Moncler or plane tickets to PV, or even a Frackit. If your parents aren't buying you the latest in French-Italian fashion, can you ever truly love them? Maybe this Penn student took matters into his own hands, and *kickstarted* his Christmas. 
