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Editorials represent the majority view of members of The Daily Pennsylvanian, Inc. Editorial Board, which meets regularly to discuss issues relevant to Penn's campus. Participants in these meetings are not involved in the reporting and writing of articles on related topics.

01/28/19 3:26pm
Penn has some flexibility in how it can implement the new regulations into University policy. In navigating the new guidelines, the administration must prioritize the rights of victims. 
01/21/19 5:57pm
Menstrual products are a necessity. While it is encouraging that the UA recognizes that, Penn's administration has a responsibility to do so as well. 
01/20/19 2:00pm
Being comfortable at Penn often takes more time than just one semester, or just a few days of rush. 
01/15/19 9:34pm
It is important that you aren’t discouraged from making use of confidential, free, and often incredibly helpful resources the University has made available to you, regardless of their shortcomings.
10/31/18 10:02pm
Returning to the days of required physical education would be a mistake, but allowing students to make the choice to work out for credit could go a long way in improving the wellness of our community. 
10/14/18 6:17pm
As we continue to discuss Dr. Ford’s Congressional hearing, it is worthwhile to remember former Vice President and Penn professor Joe Biden’s conduct during Hill’s hearing 27 years ago.
09/26/18 10:37pm
This approach of addressing campus issues by restricting the ability of students to choose for themselves is patronizing, especially when students were largely left out of the decision-making process. 
08/23/18 8:34pm
Sleep deprivation is highly unhealthy, mentally and physically, and should not be the norm. But closing Huntsman early fails to address the reasons students so often need to work later than 2 a.m. in the first place.
04/24/18 9:10pm
If administrators want to adapt and improve the University’s policies around sexual misconduct, they must also be willing to acknowledge when existing policies have been violated.
04/18/18 4:30pm
This is the first time we have done a demographics survey of our community. Just as we hold Penn accountable, we want to hold ourselves accountable for improving diversity at the DP.
04/09/18 1:28am
We want to help you think critically about aspects of this university that might not be stamped on the front page of your glossy Penn brochure.
03/14/18 11:48pm
This is the moment for everyone on this campus — sports fans and otherwise — to rally behind a team that truly represents this institution. 
02/26/18 8:50pm
Graduate students teach and guide their undergraduate peers, provide valuable assistance to professors, and pioneer new research.
02/06/18 2:48pm
By not suspending University operations, Penn — Philadelphia’s single largest private employer — isolates its community from the city at large. 
01/22/18 6:00am
Penn has suffered more than its fair share of tragedy in recent years. Greek leaders and organizations should take this opportunity to reflect on their pledging processes and curtail forced drinking before it’s too late. 
11/12/17 11:32pm
In similar fashion to its peers, Penn should allow approximately 50 students from the University of Puerto Rico to enroll tuition-free at Penn for the spring semester.
10/25/17 11:50pm
We hope that administrators will take the ideas, concerns and critiques expressed through the PULSE survey and Campus Conversation seriously, but for either of these efforts to be of any use, we the students need to participate heavily.
10/18/17 7:50pm
For the safety of students, faculty and staff in University City and West Philadelphia alike, DPS must expand the scope of its alert policies so that the Penn community are more frequently notified about any imminent dangers.
04/19/17 6:20pm
The Daily Pennsylvanian is pleased that the task force sought and used student input, and we believe the recommendations are mostly practical and well-considered.
04/18/17 11:03pm
We wish to clearly reaffirm some basic principles: Violence is never, under any circumstance whatsoever, an appropriate or acceptable response to the peaceable exchange of ideas, however hateful or otherwise reprehensible they might be.